Getting married in 9 and half weeks :o.. just decided to do my own sweet table as we were quoted too high and i reckon with a bit of creativty i could create a nice one..afterall im not the conventional bride so im off to ikea today to look at vases , jars and plates to see what i can get hold off (color scheme black white and red).
What sweets are your/peoples favs for this kind of thing? I dont really care for color scheme match i like funky retro sweets so far i havean idea of what i want to buy am i missing a key sweet/s?
Wine gums (my fav)
Panda natural Liqourice
colorful rock and rock swirl giant lollys.
black jacks and fruit salad
choc raisons
Jazzies (mixed)
drumstick lollies
flying saucers
Vimto bomboms
candy straws
Also going to have fresh strawberrys as i dont really eat sweets (lost 17 stone and trying hard to resist all this weding temptation stuff ).
Thankyou everyone.