Hi all, nice to meet you all.
Posting here because I can't be the only one... I booked my wedding yesterday after being engaged just shy of 8 months, it's set for September of next year. And I've had the sudden, horrible realization that I will have nobody to invite on my side, save for my paretns, brother and best friend.
I'm a real introvert, who's also disabled, so socialising is difficult for me. It doesn't help at work I am the only female member of my dept and I don't even sit with the guys I work with. I'm boxed away in a different room. Not ideal friend making circumstances. And frankly, it'd feel a bit weird to invite my male colleagues I am not close to just to fill seats...
I am being saved to a degree by the fact that we're having a really small, intimate wedding. But the issue is compounded by the fact that there is a serious family rift going on my side, so I can't even invite aunts/uncles/cousins, as there would be pandemonium.
My fiance's family are also extremely... how can I say this politely... vivacious... They're a much bigger immediate family than mine, and very vivacious. He has grandparents and nieces, whereas I do not.
I don't know. I'm already tearful about the idea of being singled out on my own wedding day. my dear, sweet best friend who is my MOH is incredibly wonderful and will be a superhero for me the whole day, I would be lost without her, but at the same time, selfishly, I worry what people will think when I have just 4 people currently attending for me. Maybe 6 if there are +1s...
I also feel now that there isn't really time for me to make new friends that I can become close enough to that inviting them to a wedding without it seeming weird and needy. And honestly, if I knew how to suddenly -make- these new friends, I would have done so a lot earlier than now. I'm a total power nerd so the only time I really meet people like me is at conventions, and these are very few and far between. And generally you chat with these people once, avidly, then never see them again...
Has anyone else been in this position? Opinions/experiences/advice would be greatly appreciated...