I have just received a water bill for £284, for April 2009 to March 2010, and they want me to pay the whole lot upfront. Ridiculous, no? Plus there is NO WAY as a person living on my own, not there a couple of nights a week, I use that much water. Apparently it's not possible to meter it, but I remember asking this a while ago and someone came up with some helpful advice, wwhich I promptly forgot to take.
What can I do?
Well I have to say TW have totally pissed on my battery ?
Rang them this morning, short wait, lovely lady who has taken my details to set up a DD and is sending me the forms for a meter, says it will take about three months but that there should be a saving of 80-100 quid a year, and they'll credit me if I've been overpaying once the meter's in. If they can't install a meter I can go on to assessed billing.
So definitely worth a call, London hitchers. Here's what the sainted Martin says about it.