As you may know, The Mumdrum (www.mumdrum.com), a site dedicated to Mums and Mums-to-be, brought to you by hitched, is now live!
If you'd like to join the conversations happening in the forum, you can copy your hitched details across by using the following link.
Register - https://www.madeformums.com/?email
Over the coming weeks and months we'll be adding more exciting features, including online child memory books.
Also, just so you are aware, both the Hitched Baby Talk Forum and The Mumdrum Baby Talk Forum will be open for the next two weeks, after which the Hitched Baby Talk Forum will be closed to new threads and archived.
Here is a link to The Mumdrum FAQs if you have any questions about our exciting new site - https://mumdrum.com/p/frequently-asked-questions.aspx