So the fiancé and I have been searching high and low for a first dance song we both love...came close a while back but still had doubts. But the other day oh came home from work and said 'listen to this song I heard today'. He didn't really say much else, I was busy making little ones dinner so said 'oh go on, just play it'. It started and I just froze, it gave me goosebumps and I looked up at oh and he was just smiling at me. It was a lovely moment and we both said there and then that this was the song.
It's Nirvana by Sam Smith. heres the link if you want to listen to it. I love love love it!! And even more so that the oh discovered it and played it to me
We are planning on, not a full on choreographed dance, but we're going to have a few little moves added after about the first minute of just swaying lol, just a couple of turns and maybe a cheesy romantic dip. Anybody know how to work out what style of dance should be danced to this song so I can look at some videos, if not we will just wing it lol.
Becki x