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Beginner May 2016

Tips for suppliers

HappyBlueConfetti257, 8 of April of 2016 at 09:58 Posted on Planning 0 8

This might be a weird subject that divides opinions but are you tipping your suppliers? Do most suppliers almost expect it? We've already paid our suppliers a lot of money to do their job and I'd like to thank them in some way that's a bit more thoughtful. For example, an Auntie is making our wedding cake and we're going to gift her a plant that she can put in her garden and it'll last, rather than a bunch of flowers that are temporary. (We'll do the same for my Mum etc to thank for their constant support).

The main supplier that I'm asking about is our photographer. He is a really good friend and has given us a great discount for his work. He is a guest at our wedding as well. I'm thinking of getting him a voucher for a store like Evans cycles because he's a keen cyclist or a voucher for Virgin experience days or something like that. The value won't be extortionate, I just want to thank him with a token of our appreciation rather than just cash. And do I send this with a thank you card after the wedding (once he's done a great job I'm sure) or on the actual day?

Ta very much for any advice!

8 replies

Latest activity by Paula @ Ollievision, 8 of April of 2016 at 15:31
  • Stephisaur
    Beginner April 2017
    Stephisaur ·
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    We weren't really planning on tipping anyone... most will need payment like a month before the Wedding so it seems wrong to tip them then and I won't see a lot of them on the day...

    That said, we love our Photographer and we're planning on inviting her Husband and Son to the evening do so that once she is finished, she can kick back and enjoy the party. We're also including her in the Wedding Breakfast.

    Thank you cards sound like a nice idea - I would send them after the Wedding though so that you don't have to carry it with you. If you feel strongly about giving him a gift, the Cycling voucher would get my vote Smiley smile

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    The voucher for your photographer would be nice if he's a friend.

    We would never expect a tip....we are getting paid after all. I would have thought most wedding suppliers feel the same.

    Most suppliers appreciate a testimonial afterwards and we recieve some lovely thankyou cards.

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  • A
    Beginner March 2015
    Ash953 ·
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    I would not tip our suppliers.

    I also wouldn't refer to my aunt and friend who are doing us a favour as suppliers. We did give our friends and family who pitched in thank you gifts.

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  • P
    Beginner April 2016
    Pooba ·
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    I hadn't even thought about tipping our suppliers, although we will be sending them all thank you notes afterwards - providing they do a good job ?

    I'm another vote for the cycle voucher, if you do go ahead with the idea!

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  • E
    ExpensiveBrownDiamonds1257 ·
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    From what I've read, if the supplier owns the business (like your photographer probably does) there is not an expectation for a tip as the bulk of the fee is going to them anyway. If you want to give them a gift as a thank you I'm sure they will appreciate it, but you're not expected to. (With your friend it is a very nice gesture since you have a pre-existing relationship and he is giving you a discount!) If the supplier works for another person (for example if you hire a caterer and they bring along waitstaff) that is a different story and is dependent on where you're holding your wedding (in the UK or a destination wedding), the local tipping culture, and how the company pays their wages.

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  • ilexaquifolium
    Beginner April 2016
    ilexaquifolium ·
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    I hadn't thought of tipping suppliers at all. I agree, a thank you card for a job well done is a nice gesture... although I can think of one of our suppliers which has caused more hassle than good so far and probably won't be getting even that unless we're really impressed with how things turn out on the day!

    If it's a friend that's helped out with a discount, or done something for free, then that does seem different. But a monetary tip seems strange to a friend, so I'm all for the voucher, or plant idea.

    My fiance doesn't even seem to understand the idea of giving gifts to parents and bridesmaids etc. The other day he told me I was adding on unnecessary expenses! Umm... both sets of parents have given us ~£3000 towards the wedding, I think that deserves a little something in return!! I can't see him wanting to give extra money to our suppliers!

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  • E
    ExpensiveBrownDiamonds1257 ·
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    The one supplier I would give extra consideration to "tipping" is a wedding coordinator. I don't know if I would necessarily give a monetary tip, but if I had a fantastic wedding coordinator who worked for a venue I might get him or her something to show my appreciation. They are such an instrumental part to the day and if they work for a venue they may not the same recognition as they would if they were an independent wedding coordinator.

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  • AnthonyWinyardEntertainment
    AnthonyWinyardEntertainment ·
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    Any wedding supplier that is charging what they're worth shouldn't be expecting a tip. As mentioned previously a testimonial is definitely most welcomed and in many cases can be worth more than a monetary tip anyway!

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  • Paula @ Ollievision
    Paula @ Ollievision ·
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    I'm a wedding photographer and tipping isn't really a custom for suppliers in the UK. We don't expect it. Occasionally I'll get a gift card and/or a thank you card in the post later which is nice.

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