Have any of you, or would any of you, you feel inclinced to invite someone to your wedding merely on the basis that they invited you to theirs?!
I ask as i nipped home at lunch and lying on the mat is an invite to a wedding for July...for the whole day. Its the wedding of some girl who OH knew from growing up and lived next door to for most of his life.her paretns still live next door to OH. hes never really been friends with her, his little sister has, and when ia sked if he'd want to invite her and her husband he was like 'no ive got people i want to invite to my wedding who i speak to'!
So, she knows were getting married next year, is it the 'done thing' to reciprocate the invitige and when the time comes, invite them to ours?!
I dont intend to, am i going to look like a mardy bum sour faced cow bag?