My friend wears a titanium ring on his left hand all the time. his niece gave it to him and it looks similar to some of these funky mens wedding rings.
well over the weekend something bit him. some kind of midge or something. about an hour later his hand was twice the normal size! and the ring, stuck on his finger, was cutting off the blood.
off to the hospital he popped whereupon they informed him the ring would have to be cut off. he was upset of course but needs must. HOWEVER the machines REALLY struggled because of how tough titanium is!!! if he'd gone to the hospital any later, it would have been the finger coming off, not the ring. but if the ring had been gold, he'd have been ok.
SO the point to my post, if you or your partner are having a titanium ring and ANYTHING happens to your hand- a bite, a twist, any injury which may result in swelling- take your ring off ASAP because even if you head to a hospital immediately, with titanium being so tough, by the time the ring is off, it still might be too late!!!
i'd genuinely never thought of this til it happened to my friend. so glad now that mr winter had a gold ring!!!