Morning everyone
My fiancee are getting married in April 2016!
We're having a DIY wedding at a hall in Hertfordshire. I'm starting to worry about the amount that has to be done on the day and wondering whether it will go smoothly etc.!
I've looked a bit into having an 'on the day' coordinator, but the prices seem way out of budget (we only have £200ish to spend on someone if we were going to).
Toastmasters might be more affordable, but I'm not sure their role has a wide enough birth to make it worthwhile?
The other option is to not get anyone for this, and hope that friends/family can step up to the plate and help co-ordinate the day! I really don't want to be worrying about things such as "do we have enough drinks" and "are the toilets clear of rubbish" etc. on the day itself!
Any advice would be greatly appreciated
Many thanks!