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Beginner May 2015

Treacletart's wedding report - with loads of flashes

TreacleTart, 20 August, 2015 at 13:16 Posted on Planning 0 35

Tiny background:

Me and OH have been together five and a bit years – I met him where I used to work, and eight months after he left I tracked him down and asked him out!! old internet! We had our second date the day after the first, the third two days later, and the rest is history. We moved in together, then bought a house, and adopted two pusscats. Then for part of my 30th birthday present he’d booked lunch as a surprise at Le Manoir Aux Quat’Saisons for the following day…I had no inkling what he was about to do but after lunch, strolling through the gardens he asked me to marry him with a little engagement ring charm for my charm bracelet (queue lots of ‘what…really?’ repeatedly from me, then eventually a big fat yes!) We let the engagement dust settle, then went venue shopping…looked at 3 or 4 places, but knew the first one, the gorgeous Curradine Barns in Worcestershire, was the one. They had no availability for over a year so we picked our date, 30th May 2015 and that was that, enjoyed a nice relaxed eighteen month planning experience, (which aside from a little suit issue which got sorted when I got angry), was lovely, really good fun!

The Run Up:

My only panic in the run up was the weekend before the wedding, I decided to carry on painting our fence on a beautiful sunny day in a vest top...I was out there a couple hours, didnt think anything of it, came in had a bath, then caught sight of my back and left shoulder in the mirror and OH MY GOD - bright red sunburn. I was actually gutted, I burst in to tears...I dont have great skin and been working hard to get it to look nice and then gone and done this to it. And completely unintentionally, it wasnt like I was trying to get a tan or so upsetting! OH calmed me down, I spent an evening slathering on aftersun, and teabag juice and actually over the course of the week it faded to nothing. But ladies - dont do it - avoid the sun in the run up to your wedding! just say no!

We both finished work on the Wednesday before the wedding to give us a couple of days to pick up suits/bridesmaid dresses and take decorations up to the barns. (By the way, get your menfolk to try their suits on before 8pm the night before the dad decided his trousers were too long when he tried it on then and had to go and sort it out saturday morning, not a major disaster but still a fuss he could have done without) Both sets of parents came down Thursday (mine had picked up my dress and veil to bring down)

On Friday morning me, my mom, and soon to be mother in law went to get our nails done at the local spa...they gave us a complimentary glass of prosecco but only I drank it. My mom doesn’t drink at all, and my MIL decided it was too early in the morning. I enjoyed mine though! We were there a good couple of hours, then it was back to the house, and within a couple of hours we then had both sets of parents, my brother, sister in law and nephew, and OHs brother, partner, and nieces (one of who was just born 5 days earlier!), plus one bridesmaid and her boyfriend, so to say it was a bit of a manic houseful was a slight understatement.

I had to go and pick up my other bridesmaid from the B&B she was staying at, so me and my other bridesmaid drove over there…I was really glad to get out of the house to be honest as everyone was being a bit loud and excitable , so we cranked up the radio and had a nice drive out, and unwound a bit.

By the time we got back everyone was packing up ready to get to their hotel…only my bridesmaids and my mom and me were staying at mine. So everyone got into their cars and and OH had a kiss and cuddle and off he went, then as soon as he was gone, I burst in to tears! Soft sod! Bridesmaid and mom hugged me and made me a cuppa and I swiftly regained composure and got on making everyones dinner. I gave them all their pressies (thank you chocs and a dressing gown, and a card with something soppy written in it, so we had a little emotional moment) but it was just a lovely chilled evening of watching telly and drinking tea.

Now, I'd slept well in the week running up to the wedding so thought it'd be the same on wedding eve - how wrong was I!! About 11pm came and we started to head to bed, except I started to potter about tidying up instead. Finally got in to bed about midnight and tossed and turned all night long. I convinced myself I had food poisoning cus I was a all hot and sweaty, I tried everything, just could not drop off. Must have managed it at about 4am, and woke again at 6am

Wedding Morning:

So I'd had literally two hours sleep! ugh! My bridesmaids and mom knocked on my door about 6:30am to see if i was awake and wanted tea and I was just laughing and looking a bit dazed and like 'i've had NO SLEEP! NONE! Im staying in bed' i was a bit lack of sleep mental and worried I'd crash and burn come afternoon.

But anyhoo I got up, we had a cuppa, and some breakfast, and then the hairdressers and make up artist arrived and we got to work!

It was actually a really chilled morning, we got a few 'you lot are calm/well behaved' comments from the suppliers. We had champagne to open but never did...i think i was just a bit nervous and my tummy was gurgling away and we wre just busy with getting ready stuff.

The MUA and hairdressers both did a fantastic job, and my mom, and bridesmaids looked gorgeous, and I loved what they did with me. The flowers arrived and were even better than I thought theyd be, i had a beautidul big bouquet of countryside flowers and herbs so it also smelt delicious.

My lovely bridesmaid had made me a garter too but sadly I couldnt stand the feel of it round my leg so it had to come off after about ten minutes..I've still kept it though, was a lovely thought of her.

Once everyone was dressed I got my mom to help me into my dress...bless her, her hands were shaking as she did up the buttons. And my bridesmaid had to put on my shoes - crazy, not even able to put my own shoes on, I felt rather spoilt! And then my dad arrived...he had to wait til I was all buttoned up, veil on, bouquet in hand, and then he walked in all suited and booted and looking very handsome, and bless him, he cried a little bit, there's photos of him clenching his fists in a kind of man effort to hold his emotions in, and then cus he cried, so did I a little bit...was a lovely moment Smiley smile

Our photographer took some more photos of us all then set off to the church...and we got into our beautiful cars. My dad organised these as a surprise and they were gorgeous (apparently the one we were in was Vera's off Coranation Streets wedding car - I wouldnt have had a clue but there we go)...our driver took the top down as we neared the church and it was gorgeous and sunny! I had to ban my dad from talking to me on the drive there because I kept welling up - nerves were definitely trying to get a hold of me...bit of a shame really but I really was on the verge of a proper blartfest!

Anyway we pulled up, got out of the cars, straightened up then up the path to the church...

(more to come later)

35 replies

Latest activity by TreacleTart, 21 August, 2015 at 22:21
  • TreacleTart
    Beginner May 2015
    TreacleTart ·
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    The Ceremony;

    I could hear the string quartet as we neared the door and was a bit oh my god, deep breath! My brother and H's best mate (both ushers) were around and gave me a big thumbs up and then went inside. The verger gave the nod to the strings tto start playing Sigur Ros Hoppipolla and then it was time! My bridesmaids went first, then after about a minute me and my dad followed! On the drive there I told myself to just keep head up and smile, and thats exactly what I did (I didnt want to blush or cry and big smiles kept both at bay!) All the guests were grinning back and I just remember feeling happy! H turned and gave me a smile and that was it, beaming down the ailse to him, gave him a kiss, and he told me I looked stunning (ahhh!) He was still trembling, which carried on til we got in to the ceremony properly. He was so nervous before, he hadnt eaten for like two days, and the photos of him pre-ceremony he looks so pale and sick, bless him ha! And it'll be an exaggeration, but his kind of aunt said the second he turned and saw me, all his colour just came back and he looked relaxed again - I like to think I had that effect haha! He looked particularly handsome in his suit, I hadnt seen him in it before, and it fitted him so beautifully. He'd loaned a pocketwatch off his dad, and and his cufflinks in that I bought him as his wedding day pressie, and he was just gorgeous!

    The ceremony itself was just lovely lovely lovely, we held hands, and kissed, and smiled and occasionally whispered to each other throughout, I almost cried during the vows so had to turn away and stare at the vicar at one point else I was gonna be a goner! But we loved doing it, and making those promises and committment, it felt so ruddy good!

    Our moms were witnesses for our signing of the register, and we had Elbows One Day Like This played by the strings...they really should have played something else afterwards but they didnt so there was a bit of a silent gap whilst we signed but it didnt matter. We had Jerusalem, We Pledge to One Another, and God Only Knows (by the Beach Boys - I loved this, especially as H kept singing it at me :-D) as our hymns, and we these as our readings:

    Songs of Solomon 2.10-13;8.6,7

    My beloved speaks and says to me:
    ‘Arise, my love, my fair one,
    and come away;
    for now the winter is past,
    the rain is over and gone.
    The flowers appear on the earth;
    the time of singing has come,
    and the voice of the turtle-dove
    is heard in our land.
    The fig tree puts forth its figs,
    and the vines are in blossom;
    they give forth fragrance.
    Arise, my love, my fair one,
    and come away.
    Set me as a seal upon your heart,
    as a seal upon your arm;
    for love is strong as death,
    passion fierce as the grave.
    Its flashes are flashes of fire,
    a raging flame.
    Many waters cannot quench love,
    neither can floods drown it.
    If one offered for love
    all the wealth of one’s house,
    it would be utterly scorned.

    And Union by Robert Flughum

    You have known each other from the first glance of acquaintance to this point of commitment. At some point, you decided to marry. From that moment of yes, to this moment of yes, indeed, you have been making commitments in an informal way. All of those conversations that were held in a car, or over a meal, or during long walks – all those conversations that began with, “When we’re married”, and continued with “I will” and “you will” and “we will” – all those late night talks that included “someday” and “somehow” and “maybe” – and all those promises that are unspoken matters of the heart. All these common things, and more, are the real process of a wedding.
    The symbolic vows that you are about to make are a way of saying to one another, “You know all those things that we’ve promised, and hoped, and dreamed – well, I meant it all, every word.”
    Look at one another and remember this moment in time. Before this moment you have been many things to one another – acquaintance, friend, companion, lover, dancing partner, even teacher, for you have learned much from one another these past few years. Shortly you shall say a few words that will take you across a threshold of life, and things between you will never quite be the same.
    For after today you shall say to the world –
    This is my husband. This is my wife.

    Before we knew it, it was ceremony done, and we were a married couple! We walked out to another Beach Boys song (we're not crazy fans, it just worked) - Wouldn't it be nice.
    We had lots of photos in the sunshine, and ended up doing a kind of receiving line type thing speaking with everybody briefly as they filed out of the church, which was nice as it meant we definitely did say hello to everybody that day!

    The ushers started shoo-ing people up to the barns which is a two minute walk up the road, and me and H went for a little drive in the fancy Rolls. My parents had put a bucket of champagne on ice for us to open, and it was gorgeous and sunny, so we drove up the lane, drank champagne, and had just 15 minutes to ourselves to have a breather and go 'eek'. We were driven back to the barns into the courtyard where everyone was having their Pimms and canapes. We milled about chatting to people, and I ran around having a little look at the decorations, the place looked gorgeous and our florist had done such a wonderful job with all the flowers. We got bought a glass of Pimms and our own little tray of canapes, and went off to have some photographs done in the gardens, and down the country lane, until it was time for dinner!

    (more following)

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  • S
    Beginner August 2016
    Sondy ·
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    This is just gorgeous!! I love your dress and flowers especially

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  • TreacleTart
    Beginner May 2015
    TreacleTart ·
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    Dinner and Onwards:
    The best man announced us into the dining barn where everyone was already sat and then had we had a gorgeous dinner of crispy duck and mouli salad for starters, herb crusted lamb with fondant potato, shallot, and veg for main, and a trio of desserts (red fruit crumble, pannacotta with balsamic strawberries, and lemon tart with rasberry coulis) and coffee and petit fours afterwards - everyone enjoyed it. The whole lot was delicious and I managed to not drop any down me! (Poor H was getting nervous about his speech and didnt manage much of his dinner - think he made up for it at the evening BBQ tho so he was alright.)

    The speeches were fantastic, my dads made me a bit teary, the best mans was really funny with lots of embarassing photos of H growing up (much to his horror haha! The folder of photos was left out all evening for people to have a good laugh at), and H's was just fab (he'd only done it 2 days before the wedding) but it was really funny and sweet, they all did such a fantastic job. I have a copy of H's, wish Id got one of my dads and best mans was nice to re-read it a few days later...

    After dinner we went round the room a bit and spoke to various people, i commandeered all the leftoever wine for the table that my friends were sat at which they thouroughly enjoyed haha. And then it was just an hour and a half of everyone milling about, catching up, having a drink, playing with the lawn games, while the band set up. Me and my bridesmaids had a spacehopper race which was ace fun til I got a bit competitive and went for it and then went arse over tit and got the knee area of my dress horribly grass stained - argh! My first thought was 'my god, my mother'll kill me!' Managed to wipe the worst off with a baby wipe, and swore my brother, who saw the whole thing and found it side splittingly funny, to obviously he went straight in and told my mom who actually also found it be fair they know Im not exactly a dainty princess so something was bound to get me a bit mucky!

    We cut the cake before the band started...the woman who made our cake hadnt quite done what she was supposed to, so it wasnt what we hoped it would look like (she'd also messed us around a bit in the preceding weeks which was a bit annoying) BUT it did taste awesome...carrot cake, red velvet cake, fruit cake, and clementine sponge cake layers...all nom!

    By this point the band had started and a few people were dancing so I went to join them while H stayed chatting to his friends. We kept nipping off to talk to each other and having a little nuzz, and then back to friends/family/dancing...

    H doesnt dance, and although we talked about it, he couldnt face a first dance so we didnt have one...(I'm glad actually, I think Id have found it a bit awkward too) but If we did it was probably going to be to Ed Sheerans Thinking Out Loud, which the band played at the end of their first set so I swooshed around the floor with my friend instead.

    The photographer grabbed us again early evening to see if we wanted some more pics while the evening light was nice so we spent another hour or so doing that, which was lovely and gave su another chance to have a bit of a breather and us time.

    The evening firepit BBQ was bought out at some stage but I didnt have any, I was full from dinner and too busy dancing...but I hear it went down well. We had some evening guests arrive so did 'hello's' with those, but mostly we spent the evening chatting and/or dancing with people - the band and DJ were awesome, and some proper funky moves were pulled by certain guests. Eventually, later in the evening, H and a couple of his friends turned up in the granary barn (where the band were), someone produced these funny face things that hooked off your nose...they caused massive hilarity (probably cus people were a bit tipsy, but they were ever so funny) mostly cus it started off with H, and a couple of his friends in them, then suddenly everyone seemed to have one, the mothers, the best men, the bridesmaids, really made me chuckle!

    The evening was drawing to a close of H's (now quite drunk) mates had dragged him onto the dance floor and seemed to be twerking him a little, but after that I grabbed his hand and we danced and sang to Fun - We are Young which the band started playing...and I think it may have been one of the best moments of the night for me...because we never dance together, never have, it was so special to me for us to sway about and for him to twirl me round...we had a cheeky smooch and cuddle during it...I'll never forget that friend captured about 15 seconds of it on video and I love it...i really do. When I went to grab a glass of water from the bar afterwards his dad came over all emotional and said it had made him cry...n'awh. It was a perfect end to the night!

    Everyone started leaving then at midnight, so those of us staying in the barns accommodation grabbed cups of tea and sat around for half hour...then we all meandered back to bed. My mom had to upbutton my dress for me haha, but then it was just me and him...I ran a bath (gorgeous bath room with roll top bath, totally wanted to use that!) and then we slept!

    The Next Morning:

    We got up and were last to breakfast...everyone clapped us when we walked in which was royalty ha! Then people started to set off and go home...we gave out lots of jars of flowers, but still ended up with about 25 to take home, our house was like a florists! Our immediate family piled back to ours but only stayed for a cuppa before heading off..we just milled about then for the rest of the afternoon, probably got a takeaway - I cant remember...and opened our cards...that was lovely...never expected so many, and it was lovely reading peoples well wishes.

    And now we've been married nearly three months and still love twiddling round the wedding rings, and shouting 'husband' and 'wife' across the house...soppy pair of sods we are! Everyone kept asking afterwards 'does it feel different now then' wanting the response, of oh no it feels exactly same..but it doesnt, we've both said it, we cant put our fingers on it, but it does feel different, just a tiny bit, in the best possible way Smiley smile

    Well done to those of you that have managed to read all of this...I never EVER expected it to be so mammoth...and even now there's loads of bits I left out...there's too many little things to include really. But it was really nice writing it all down though, and reliving some memories of the day...I even welled up writing some bits down. I'd efinitely recommend you all write a report too!! It's just a lovely thing Smiley smile

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  • M
    Beginner May 2016
    mkw ·
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    So beautiful! I love love love your flowers and your dress is gorgeous!! It looks like you had such a lovely day- congratulations to both of you!

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  • B
    Beginner November 2016
    BBC2B ·
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    Absolutely gorgeous! Congratulations to you!

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  • Karen84
    Beginner July 2016
    Karen84 ·
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    Oh TT, this is a thoroughly beautiful report and the pictures are so gorgeous. I love love love it. Thank you so much for sharing it with us x

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  • Jayne E
    Jayne E ·
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    What a wonderful day you had, it made me come over all emotional. I have no hope when it's my turn. X

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  • AuntieBJ
    Beginner September 2014
    AuntieBJ ·
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    Beautiful report TT!! I was so very much looking forward to reading this ?

    I love all your photos - so happy and such lovely colours!

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  • MrsStanleyToBe
    Beginner January 2019
    MrsStanleyToBe ·
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    Aww that was such a beautiful report, congratulations wishing you a lifetime of happiness together x

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    Beginner May 2016
    MrsWood2b16 ·
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    Loved reading all of this. Congratulations xxx

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  • S
    Beginner October 2015
    Stephie ·
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    Beautiful report and fantastic pics! Looks like you had such a lovely time Smiley smile x

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  • P
    Beginner April 2016
    Pooba ·
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    This is wonderful - you both look so gosh darn happy in your photos Smiley smile


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  • SillyWrong
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  • CornishBride89
    Beginner October 2015
    CornishBride89 ·
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    What a beautiful and lovely wedding report! Smiley heart

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  • M
    Beginner June 2016
    MissRachael ·
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    Congratulations. What a beautiful day; I really enjoyed reading about it xxx

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  • M
    Beginner September 2015
    MrsEdisToBe ·
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    Congratulations to you both. It all looks so lovely!!!


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  • bliss_balloons
    bliss_balloons ·
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    How lovely Treacle, what a wonderful report. Glad you enjoyed your day. ?

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  • N
    Beginner January 2016
    NoMoore ·
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    Beautiful report, it looks and sounds like it was a stunning day... congratulations! x

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  • Sambarine
    Beginner May 2015
    Sambarine ·
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    Wonderful report, fellow May bride! You've made me all teary with your squishy happiness and beautiful photos x

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  • laurafish
    Beginner July 2016
    laurafish ·
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    Beautiful report and a truly beautiful day! Congratulations, loved reading this Smiley smile

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  • MrsShep
    Beginner September 2014
    MrsShep ·
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    Naww, this is just so gorgeous! I found myself grinning like a loon reading it! You are such a lovely couple, absolutely gorgeous and clearly very in love, just look at those pictures! I absolutely love your hair piece, and of course that stunner of a dress (hope the grass stain isn't too bad!) Congratulations lovely x

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  • Arpee
    Beginner August 2016
    Arpee ·
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    Absolutely loved reading this. What a beautiful wedding ❤️

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  • LittleMissPanda
    Beginner October 2015
    LittleMissPanda ·
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    A beautiful report and lovely photos, congratulations to you both ❤️ x

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  • alyj66
    VIP August 2014
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    Perfectly wonderful, congratulations!

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  • AnnaMolly
    Beginner October 2015
    AnnaMolly ·
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    Aw, what a lovely report! It looks like it was a beautiful day.

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  • L
    Beginner October 2014
    LalaC1988 ·
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    My heart melted then such a lovely report by such a lovely lady, is it possible to feel the love of the day through photos? Think I've felt that!!

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  • HelenSomerset
    Beginner September 2014
    HelenSomerset ·
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    Fantastic report. You can just tell you are a beautiful person inside & out!

    Everything looks stunning in your photos (even the cake although it might not be what you wanted).

    Perfect couple ?

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  • TreacleTart
    Beginner May 2015
    TreacleTart ·
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    Oh you guys!! Thank you for the lovely comments, some of you got me a bit emotional there (HelenSomerset were you trying to make me cry?!) I'm just glad you enjoyed reading it Smiley smile it really was lovely to write! Good luck to those who are still in the planning stages, and to the OMs-go and have a butchers at your own reports/photos and fall in love with your wedding all over again ha!

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  • B
    Beginner July 2016
    bananacatdance ·
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    This is all stunning and the quality of the photography is gorgeous too. Huge congrats. Love the idea of having the mums as witnesses as well, never heard of that before. Congrats again - gorgeous gorgeous stuff! X x

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  • critter1066
    Beginner September 2015
    critter1066 ·
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    Absolutely wonderful report - thank you for sharing it with us. X

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  • Nims
    Beginner July 2015
    Nims ·
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    Incredible report! Absolutely love the pic of you bouncing on the space hopper Smiley heart

    And this: perfection.

    " And now we've been married nearly three months and still love twiddling round the wedding rings, and shouting 'husband' and 'wife' across the house...soppy pair of sods we are! Everyone kept asking afterwards 'does it feel different now then' wanting the response, of oh no it feels exactly same..but it doesnt, we've both said it, we cant put our fingers on it, but it does feel different, just a tiny bit, in the best possible way"

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  • Runnergirl
    Beginner November 2015
    Runnergirl ·
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    Congratulations to you both, lovely report and stunning pictures, everything looked wonderful. Cake looked fab I thought! You looked stunning. X

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