Mine and BMs bouquets will be tulips (mix of purple and white, along the lines of the pic in my avatar), and OH and I would quite like to have tulips for the men's buttonholes (just the wedding party)
The florist we ended up booking said this would be fine, but the florist we went to see after her (and decided against because she was more expensive and not v friendly!) said that tulips are a pain for buttonholes as the open up and she would never use them for b'holes. We asked our actual florist about this and she said that she sometimes wraps a bit of decorative wire around the petals to keep them in place and stop them from opening out during the day..
Is this true that they're a pain to use? Is the wire solution a good one? If so, does anyone have any pics of this as I really can't picture it. We do want to have real ones, so artificial wouldn't really be an option for us - we'd just go with something completely different if its not possible.
Any advice? Muchly appreciated