Sorry not a very glam post but any beauty queens out there who can help? I am so busy and tired at the mo and tend to suffer from dark shadows under my eyes at the best of times so am a total baggy mess at the mo! I have also developed some rather attractive bumps on my forehead that look suspicously like they're going to become spots at any given moment (I'm 30 for God's sake - why do I look like a greasy teen!!)
Any advice? Less than 6 weeks to go and I obviously want to look my best and not be feeling self conscious!
Does cucumber really work on eyes? What do I do and how often? What's all this about tea bags?? I'm rubbish at knowing what's best for oily skin (forehead part of my face anyway) I'm drinking gallons of water, what else can I do?
Big thanks,
The greasy bag lady ? xx