I have been looking everywhere for some long stems with sparkly things or gems or diamantes to go in my tall table vases. Some of you lovelyladies even gave me websites to try and even though they had gems on them they didnt have long stemmed ones. My vases are about 40cm tall, they will have large stargazer lillies and foliage in them. I just wanted to add some sparkle.
So i ventured to the florist shop where i first saw them - in her window display there are some tall vases, with flowers in and also some sparkly additions to the arrangement which is exactly the look i am hoping to achieve.
I very politely explained how much i loved them, how i was making my own, and had all of the materials needed except for something sparkly on long stems. I asked if she would be able to order some of them in and sell them onto me at a higher price (for her trouble). She said they were a one off and she wouldnt be able to get anymore.....but she had other types in other vases throughout the shop...so i said well those ones would do, or the others its only to add some sparkle.
she said 'No, i cant do that kind of thing it would put me out of business' Now i really cant see how she got that impression, yeah okay so im not asking her to do the actual arrangements but i wasnt asking her to be out of pocket or even break even???? Surely in this current credit crunch any sale is better than no sale.
Im so disappointed xx