OK all, the wait is over.
The Dresstease:
Now have 8 months to get into the dress!!! Excuse the porky face, was uncomfortable trying to keep the dress on so I look like my double chin is enormous!!!
The shoes had arrived too but they are very tight, although they are a 4 which is what i wear. They wouldn't change them as they said they don't stock them, they ordered them specially, and also when i got home i notice one single little diamante missing from the thingy on the right shoe (see below). I am scared they are gonna think I took the stone off myself on purpose so i can bring them back because i had already told them they're too tight ☹️
Despite the height they are incredibly comfy and easy to walk in (well, apart from my toes having gone numb in 4 minutes flat but that was because they were so tight at the front. Wouldn't think so looking at them as they're quite rounded but although I am a 4 normally I have quite wide feet at the front so it may be that...They go lovely with the dress, just love them! But I will have to take them back and swap them for a 4 and a half!!!
Happy overall. Especially ecstatic as BMs found THE ONE too, all three squealed like little girls when they tried it on, they ALL looked lovely in it, despite being one a size 12, the second a 14 and the third a 20-22! And ... IT'S NOT SATIN! I completely renounce satin after seeing them in the lovely chiffon dress from Alexia designs they tried today. Problem is I can't find anywhere a pic as they a re brand new spring 2011 models, just arrived in shop last week apaprently!