Hi guys,
Just wondering if anyone can help. We had booked the Tin Tabernacle in Lewes for our wedding next July but recieved an email today stating that they are pulling all weddings for 2014 due to noise complaints. I'm not sure how much of the truth we are being told, but the fact is we are left without a venue for next summer and there seems to be very little that fits our criteria that isn't already booked.
We want a village hall / community centre / anything that is basically a shell or really laid back, or alternatively something that has a laid back vibe but is a bit more up market. The onyl catch is that it needs to sit at least 100 people and we need to be able to do our own food/ drink.
I would seriously appriciate ANY suggestions as I am trying to sort this out from Newcastle! If anyone has any ideas leads then please post them. I'm seriousloy stressed out!
Thanks! Julia.