I got stung by a wasp almost 2 years ago. It stung me under my armpit, within 20 minutes it was red an swollen past my elbow. I went to the walk in centre, got given antihistamines and told it was an allergy to wasp stings. He explained that if I get stung again it could be worse but the longer I can go between stings the better. Last summer was a wash out so no wasps and no worries. This summer I've seen loads. WWYD? The GP can't do anything really can they? Could they refer me to an allergy specialist but again what can they do? I try to avoid wasps as far as possible but it has occured to me that I could get stung whilst out running on my own. I don't want to have to stick to road running but nor do I want to panic.
Does anyone have any experience of this? I'd feel a bit daft going to my GP and saying "I got stung 2 years ago" and expecting them to help.