Hi everyone,
I'm new on here having got engaged on my Birthday (14.11.11) in Venice to my wonderful man Gareth! Our dilemma is.. having found a rustic converted rural barn perfect for the venue, church wedding also rural and on a hill we would love to have a winter wedding and in a moment of excitement provisionally booked both for 1.12.12 HOWEVER family are now worried about possibe snow-would be impossible to get to these venues! I know we cant control the weather but am so torn between throwing caution to the wind or playing the safer option and waiting till early spring 2013....I cant face an earlier wedding in 2012 as am already feeling overwhelmed with what needs to be planned!
Help advice & your views would be more appreciated as I cant sort anything else until we have a definate date and am slowly losing the will!!! ?
Kate & Gareth xx