Hi All,
I need some sanitity advice. I've just been for my final dress fitting today and whereas I thought I'd be really excited I've come out of the studio in tears.
I am (sorry.....was) having my dress made from a design put together by myself and the dress maker. But below are the sequence of events:
1. First fitting after measurements the dress is already cut in the fabric.........I panic and check with friends and family who said that it should be initially in a calico design. So I email and the dress maker assures me it's fine and it's just a mock up.
2. 2nd fitting take a friend who points out that it's too short with shoes on but again dress maker says she'll make the actual dress longer.
3. This fitting I'm told was the last and all beading, etc has now been attached but actual dress material I'm positive is the same as you can still see my shoes poking through. Plus today I asked when she would be cutting it in to ensure it is a mermaid fit (which is what I always wanted) to which she replied that I couldn't have this silk material in a mermaid fit.
I feel like a big frump in the dress and have already paid a 50% deposit on the dress........I'm sooooo upset and disappointed, and have been in tears all afternoon :-(
What I don't understand is why I was never told that I couldn't have a mermaid fit in that type of material as if that was the case I would never have had that material. Everytime I tried today to say I didn't like something and could it be changed she just said no it's better this way.......I don't have any confidence in what she's saying anymore. Plus is it normal for your shoes to be on show? All dress pictures never seem to show the shoes :-(
What would you do? Do you think I can get any of my deposit back??
I'm considering writing off the deposit and moving on to find another dress.........but now worried as I'm getting married in Dec so not even sure if they'll be enough time.
Sorry to be a useless bride........I'm just so upset :,-(
Thanks in advance for any advice.