Waahhhhhhhh please bare with me with this one.
My OH owns his own Taxi business and one of his customers has just texted him and asked why she wasn't invited to our wedding.
He tells her that it was limited numbers etc etc (trying to be nice, rather than what he really thinks of her).
I realise that this is different to probably where some people live but in Skeg is pretty much how business is done.
She texts and asks where the reception is, he ignores the 1st 4 messages asking this and in the end texts back, he's not sure on the name as Sherry has sorted it all out and made a joke about just doing what he has been told and turning up on time.
She then told him that she will be turning up to the wedding reception to say hello, Oh say no we have a guest list and she is not invited.
Apparently she is coming anyway as she wants to see him in a suit (WTF!).
Anyway - this is the funny bit.
She sends a massive text saying he is making a huge mistake, he doesnt know where the reception is, he is not involved in the planning, none of his friends are going, i've taken over,I have him under the thumb, he is getting married for the wrong reasons, he was with an ex longer than me and didnt marry her so shouldnt be marrying me, she gives us 2 years and we'll be divorced and he (my OH) will only have himself to blame for not listening to her.
I'm ? at this last text.