Right here we are! Hope I'm doing this right!
I'm going to start with some info about the report, then I'll crack on.
I know you all said lots of flashes, but I haven’t any for the first few sections, sorry.
Also, I’m afraid this is a virtually fluff-free affair. Minimal pampering/beautifying, no tears as we are both sometimes described by others as ‘cold’, and no airs to our venues, decoration and carryings-on. I won’t spare you the gory details of quite how disorganised and rushed the last week was, as it was embarrassingly so, but you’ll get the idea from the day report. It was totally us, the good and the bad. Low budget and a bit of unconvention means this won’t be for everyone.
Finally, our TOG friend was with OH for his afternoon preparations rather than mine, so no ‘me getting ready’ flashes I’m afraid.
Post 1: First meeting and WP
Post 2: Preparations: W-morning
Post 3: Preparations: W-afternoon
Post 4: Ceremony
Post 5: Drinks reception
Post 6: Evening reception
First meeting
The beginning: December 2008. I was a happily single (divorced) mum of one two-year-old girl, H, just about passed the man-hating phase, but enjoying independence and re-socialising with my old best friends. Went to a new years’ fancy dress party at their local pub, at the bar waiting to order my next drink when midnight struck, and the teletubby next to me turned round and offered me a new year’s kiss..
Wedding preparation flavour
In January 2010 we got engaged and also found out I was expecting. So we decided to put wedding planning on hold ‘til after the birth. It was Feb 2011 before we decided to set a date for the following May. We wanted informal, personal, homemade, fun, family-friendly with a floral/garden theme. After a lot of work (more than we thought it would be!), and letting go of the unimportant things, I think that’s what we got. However, both being very disorganised, most things didn’t get sorted ‘til inside the final month. The ceremony guests numbered about 40, all family apart from one couple who are our best best friends, and there were 7 children excluding our own. In the evening we had about 60 more friends join us, including about 10 more children. Our 20-month-old son, E, was best man, and my 5-year-old daughter was our only bridesmaid.