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Beginner September 2008

Weight Watchers - how does it work?

FiddleSticks, 18 of September of 2008 at 22:45 Posted on Beauty & Wellbeing 0 5

Just wondered if someone could give me a heads up on how WW works? I know all about SW thanks to a pal of mine who's been on it for about 6 months (although hasn't really lost anything!!). I've managed to lose 2 stone myself through healthy eating and exercise but I've reached a plateau now and am stuck at 10st 6lbs (am only 5ft 2!) and would ideally love to lose this last 6lbs but it just doesn't seem to want to shift! I'm not sure I like the sound of SW as I dont feel its a healthy attitude towards food ("eat as much as like of the free food") and am not sure I can get to grips with a low GI diet (its too confusing! lol) so wondered what WW was all about?

Thanks in advance!

5 replies

Latest activity by slimzoe1, 22 of September of 2008 at 21:11
  • barongreenback
    Beginner September 2004
    barongreenback ·
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    I'll let the WW experts answer on the diet but google interval training - I recommended this to a friend whose weight loss plateaued and he went on to lose another stone. It's basically doing your normal exercise e.g. running, cycling, cross trainer but incorporating short (i.e. 1 or 2 minutes) of much more intense activity then going back to your normal/slower rate. For example you might be sitting on the exercise bike going at 10mph at level 8. Every 5 minutes pedal as hard as you can for a minute or two, then go back to 10 mph for the next 5 minutes and so on. This really works at burning fat.

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  • slimzoe1
    Rockstar September 2022 Warwickshire
    slimzoe1 ·
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    There are 2 plans on ww, points plan you get a daily points allowance (based on age, height, weight activity etc) and every food has a points value, you eat whatever you want but bear in mind its best to eat 3 meals a day and the healthier foods (lean meats, veg, pasta etc) are lowere pointed and will keep you fuller for longer.

    the core plan is similar to slimming world in that you have core foods, but you eat 3 meals a day from the list of core foods, you dont weigh or measure but you are looking to eat proper meals that will keep you fuller for longer. you cant snack on core foods but you can snack freely on fruit, veg (and the ww soft fruities) and you get 21 points a week to use for extras. (wine, bread or if you fancied a core food say as a snack you would point it as usual)

    i lost 4.5 stone on core and now switch between the 2 (well now ive got my head back in gear). you can switch weekly between them and i find this keeps me focused (you cant switch mid week as the plans are too different)

    ww now is very much about not thinking of it as a diet but thinking of it as a longterm lifestyle change- you could do ww eat macdonalds every day and lose but youd feel pants (look it too) and you wont keep it off, if you make the small changes to your lifestyle you will keep the weight off when you get to goal as its become normal eating to you. its not about eating a bit of lettuce for lunch and then feeling like your throats been cut for the rest of the day


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  • giddykipper
    Beginner September 2004
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    On the new WW adverts on tv it says 'Weight Watchers is changing' ....... any ideas what thats all about?

    Jo x

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  • slimzoe1
    Rockstar September 2022 Warwickshire
    slimzoe1 ·
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    At the minute not really, all is going to be revealed at our leader conferences. there are some minor changes- all classes going to weigh and pay, leaders getting a new way of clerking and the biggest change is coming away from ww being a diet and more about a longerm change of lifestyle.

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  • giddykipper
    Beginner September 2004
    giddykipper ·
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    Ooooh that all sounds very mysterious and intriguing!!!

    When's the 'leaders conference'? Do you think it will be a New Year thing?

    Jo x

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  • slimzoe1
    Rockstar September 2022 Warwickshire
    slimzoe1 ·
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    Its very exciting!!! my conference is 18th october, so i will know more then.

    (im more excited about our tallys going electronic, what takes me an hour now will be SO much quicker! may help my burnt outness)

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