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Beginner May 2012

Weight...overweight, obese, morbidly obese, etc.

Mellow_Yellow, 12 of July of 2013 at 13:58

Posted on Off Topic Posts 61

Just a musing, as weight is discussed a fair bit on here. I was reading a book last week about weight problems, and it suggested that Britain as a nation is desensitised when it comes to obesity. The argument was that many of us are overweight, but because everyone is overweight, what is deemed to...

Just a musing, as weight is discussed a fair bit on here.

I was reading a book last week about weight problems, and it suggested that Britain as a nation is desensitised when it comes to obesity. The argument was that many of us are overweight, but because everyone is overweight, what is deemed to be overweight now has changed for us. Many people are technically obese on a BMI chart (which is a good guide for most people) yet if you asked 100 people in the street many would think that you would need to be much much heavier to be classed as obese. So many people talk about how BMI is nonsense, exercise turns fat to muscle, some people are just big boned, and many other 'myths'.

Just curious what you Otters think of it all?

I for one am currently overwight, I ned to lose exactly one stone to fit in the healthy area of the BMI chart. Yet, my mum tells me that I'll look ill if I lose weight, which I know isn't true as I was two stone lighter at our wedding than I am now and I looked great, not ill at all.

For me according to the BMI chart 8st5lbs is absolutely ideal, anything over 9st6lbs takes me in to overweight, 11st5lbs takes me in to obese, and 15st2lbs takes me in to morbidly obese. I would never have guessed that a 15 stone person could be considered morbidly obese, but as I'm a tiny 5ft 1" I guess that I could. When I was at my heaviest (11st 12lbs) I didn't think I looked that bad, and thought that BMI was a load of nonsense, as did my mum and gran who didn't believe that I was obese either. Now, looking back at the photos it is so clear that I was, and it took for me to lose the weight to see how heavy I was, if that makes sense?

Anyway, I'm you think that we have changed our view of a healthy weight in our minds? Do we associate morbidly obese purely with those extreme cases of people who cannot stand for lengths of time or walk unaided? Are we becoming increasingly desensitised to obesity as a nation?

61 replies

  • Holey
    Beginner July 2011
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    Ha! I nearly put something on the end of my post saying I wasn't accusing you of lying! I realise that's how it sounded!

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  • Rod
    Rod ·
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    Haha Holey I wont hold it against you, even if you are a spurs fan...haha

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  • AmnesiaCustard
    Beginner June 2011
    AmnesiaCustard ·
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    Blimey what a load of short- a**es.

    (I am 5' 8" with huge feet)

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  • Holey
    Beginner July 2011
    Holey ·
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    Yes AC another tall otter! However my feet are a surprisingly dainty size 6

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  • *Funky*
    Beginner January 2001
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    I have a BMI of 23.4 which is 'normal' although I class myself as over weight.

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  • Beez
    Beginner May 2016
    Beez ·
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    Am I the only person here delighted about being obese?

    That chart has made me smile, I didn't realise I was out of the clinically (morbidly?) obese bracket finally.

    I'm not bring flippant, just that I'm pleased I'm going in the right direction.

    And by the way, I consider myself fat, I've eaten too much and not done enough exercise. I wish more fat people would call themselves fat as a factual description, then perhaps it wouldn't be heard as a derogatory term.

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  • loadsagifts
    Beginner January 2012
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    Exactly! Where did this voluptuous thing come from..........I am fat, just nudging into obese as per the graph holey put on, Im not proud of it but no way would I consider myself anything less than what I am!

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  • AmnesiaCustard
    Beginner June 2011
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    Swizz. Mine are 8s. At least some of me is a size 8.....

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  • Kriek
    Beginner December 2012
    Kriek ·
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    The UK has been Metric since the 70s ? I always measure myself in kilograms and find it difficult to get my head around stones and pounds. You can get an app for your phone which will convert kgs to stones if you need it.

    I absolutely agree that we have become desensitised to obesity. Of course you have to take BMI with a pinch of salt but for the majority of the population it's a pretty good indicator of what is a healthy weight for your height.

    Oggers asked why we can't go by body fat percentage, that would be ideal but it's notoriously difficult (and expensive) to measure accurately. You need a DEXA scan to get a reasonable estimate but they are expensive. You can estimate someone's BF% from their BMI and the error is actually quite similar to the error when using callipers or bioimpedance scales, so really why bother with more expensive methods?

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  • Bookish
    Beginner August 2014
    Bookish ·
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    This is really interesting. There must be something on the 'muscle weighs more' and 'heavy bones' myths or people if the same height and weight wouldn't be wearing different clothes sizes. I'm lanky (5"9) and 10st7lbs and wear size 12 clothes. My OH is 6"5 and weighs about 16st which puts him in the overweight category but he plays football three times a week, goes to the gym regularly and runs or cycles most days. He doesn't look overweight at all.

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  • Kriek
    Beginner December 2012
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    From what I've read it is more of an issue for men. Women really struggle to put on muscle mass even when they are following a strict exercise and diet regime, we simply don't have enough testosterone to pack on muscle without serious effort.

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  • LoveSka
    Beginner October 2011
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    Just goes to show how different we all are. I'm 5' 4'' weighh 10st 5lb (after loseing 10lb at slimming world). Yet I am size 12/14 ☹️

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  • pandorasbox
    Beginner August 2012
    pandorasbox ·
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    Aww you're all so petite! (Ok, short).

    I'm 6ft and apparently 176 pounds put me in the 'normal' category. I think at my height though I could easily weigh a fuckton and still be 'normal'.

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  • Holey
    Beginner July 2011
    Holey ·
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    PB, bookish and Flora you can officially join mine and AC's tall club!

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  • Cat In A Teacup
    Beginner August 2015
    Cat In A Teacup ·
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    Very interesting to see the diversity amongst Otters. I am around 5ft 7 and weigh 12stone 2lbs. I can fit into some size 12 dresses but then a size 14 pair of jeans will give me not just a muffin top but a whole bloomin' tray of them!

    Does anyone have an easy accurate way to measure boob weight? I've often wondered how much my 32FF contribute to my overall weight...

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  • cookiekat
    Beginner August 2012
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    I'm joining you in that club, I'm 5ft 11 and I've always been in healthy or underweight range i'm now 148lbs but everyone thinks I dont need to loose weight because I have skinny arms and legs but my belly looked like I was 6 months pregnant now looking just a bit podgy rather than upduffed (I've lost 15lbs)

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  • Kriek
    Beginner December 2012
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    That is mental! I was never taught imperial measurements at school and I'm 27. In my cabbage it's a waste of time teaching that in the UK, all science is done in metric and all shops display their produce in grams/kilograms/litres etc.

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  • Kjay
    Beginner August 2013
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    I am 5'6 and 12stone and wear clothes from size 10-14. On the BMI chart I am nearly in the middle of overweight. I think I carry my weight quite well if that makes sense? When I went a bit mad and went just under 9 stone at my lightest I was still in healthy range but mum and boyo said I didn't look 'healthy'.

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  • Icklefee
    Super May 2014
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    this must all be down to body shape. I'm 4ft 11 and 8st 9lb and a size 8.

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  • venart
    Beginner June 2013
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    Before the wedding I was weighing in at 75kg, which puts me smack in the middle of the overweight category for my 5'5" height. If I lost just over a stone I'd be 'normal', but I feel like I should be looking at losing a couple stone. BMI isn't the best indicator of health, but its a good one for the average person as far as showing a trend. Obviously if you a a gym nut a have loads of muscle you know to disregard it. The average joe on the street isn't, though, so wouldn't have all that excess muscle. Body fat percentage, when measured correctly, is a far better indicator, but for ease the best would be waist to hip and waist to height ratios. A woman with a lot of weight around her bum and thighs and a small waist is much healthier than one with a lot of weight around the organs.

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  • StaceyLorraine
    Beginner July 2014
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    In accordance to the charts I come under obese as I'm 5'4 and hovering just under 15st. To be my ideal healthy weight for my height I need to be between 8st and 10st which is what I am aiming at in the long run but considering I was in 18 stone in March 2012 anyone that calls me fat can kiss my rear!

    I do believe as a nation we are becoming desensitised to obesity and being obese seems to have become a very common thing that is being seen more and more and the sad thing is there are a lot of people who do not see themselves as obese and are blissfully ignorant to it.

    When I told one of my friends that i was classed as obese she was puzzled by it as she also considered obese and morbidly obese as people who need walking aids and a lot of assistance, not people like me who work 12 hour shifts on their feet and run 4 flights of stairs several hundred times a day at work.

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  • ForTheLoveOfMrsBrown
    Beginner January 2012
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    Kriek, I'm with you. I'm 36 and work metric. Jojo, I'd be furious to find my child being taught imperial. My mother, 65 years old, does metric like a goodun....European innit.

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  • StaceyLorraine
    Beginner July 2014
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    I'm 21 and mostly work metric on a very rare occasion do I swap to imperial... Although I work faster in imperial due to being taught it at school I prefer metric and nearly everything I do at work with residents weights is all done metric... Some of the other carers 25 years and under really struggle with the metric way.

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  • Helenia
    Beginner September 2011
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    Same here (I'm 29)! We learnt both systems, but everything was "officially" in metric, we learnt imperial so that we could learn to multiply/divide to convert the two. I can work in both fairly easily, but people's weights work best for me in kg.

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