....I'm pregnant!!!
Anyone who knows me on facebook please don't write anything over there as I am only 8 weeks and don't want to let the cat out of the bag until 12 weeks scan is ok.
We had booked a gorgeous venue for october next year but in light of our happy accident we have decided to do it this September with just immediate family instead of the 80 we had planned to invite, the lovely thing about bringing it forward is that we'll have been together 10 years in september so it's worked out well I suppose.
Anyway as I don't want to tell folks in the "real world" our news yet I just wanted to share with the lovely hitchers.
We're going to pop into the registry office down the road on monday and see about availability and also see about booking a restaurant for 20 or so family members for afterwards.
Has anyone had any experience of dramatically downsizing a wedding?