Before I met my OH I wasn't keen on men in uniform, I still think it's going to be uncomfortable for him, but it's important to him so I've kinda got to go with it...
My Mom huffed - "Well, it's difficult to match colours too, your going to have to chance the colour scheme, can he just NOT WEAR IT?!" My OH was not impressed - he takes his uniform very seriously! ?
This is a brilliant thread!!! I'd be amazed if there are any of us who don't have at least one of these things in our wedding and have read through it all going 'well, maybe it's rubbish most of the time, but at MY wedding it'll just be perfect' lol
My list can only really combine bits from other people's, you've all covered so much
- back fat, arm fat, strap marks, too much boobage on the bride - never mind that nobody else has told them, why can't you see it for yourself!!!!
- too much cleavage out from anyone there really - my wedding is not an excuse for you to flash people, have some decency
- rubbish food - but this is more from disappointment for the B&G - I know they'll have paid a fortune and if it's naff then it's a real shame
- the fact that everything costs twice as much when you mention the word 'wedding' - don't exploit my happiness and excitement you sneaky suppliers!
- children at weddings - I don't like being around children in general, nevermind on my wedding day
- wasting money just because that's what you're 'supposed' to have at a wedding - my wedding, my money, who cares what the magazines tell me
- guest list family politics!!! - isn't the planning bit supposed to be fun, why do I have to consider the feelings of long lost great aunties and uncles who probably haven't heard anything about me since I was in nappies!!
Can't wait to see what else people come up with, this has really perked up my morning!!
1. Any parts cheap / tacky / chavvy. Having a small budget does not mean you have go with cheap and tacky. You just need to be more creative.
Its just laziness to go with the tacky option.
2. Which brings me onto 2, which is anything overly commercial. Its like going with something because you are told to, usually buy a salesman, not a designer. Again be creative, do what you want. Make the wedding your own. Don't do something because its expected and commercial. Do it just because you want it.
Dunno? I am going to a wedding this yyear - 12th August... When's yours?
Seriously though - just becasue I don't like them for my wedding, I'd never go to a wedding where someone had them and turn my nose up. I'd accept if for the day it was and TBH - most of the little things are lost on guests (hence why I dind't bother with most things).
Havnig them or not having them doesn't make my wedding any better than yours or vice versa ?
I don't think I would either - except maybe the bathroom thing.
But that's more of a basic human right that a dislike of something the bride and groom have provided. OHs in the army - his mess room is so plush, they I use the bathroom and they seriously are minging, puts me right off! ☹️
Agree with Cricket Bride on the favours that are too large for your bag. I like to keep my favours, so if they don't fit in my bag, they're staying on the table.
Also agree with an earlier post about gift lists in evening invitations. You're not willing to pay for me to be there in the day, so why should you expect me to pay for a present for you? (Of course, I always will give something, but that's not the point).
On a similar note, being invited on a hen weekend when you're only an evening guest. Again, you're not willing to pay for me to be there in the day, so why should I spend £200 on a weekend away with you?
We have had problems because we have not specified anything gift wise in the evening invitations (moving to the Middle East after the wedding so suggested honeymoon contributions to day guests). Every one of our evening guests have called/text/emailed asking what to get us and I feel so so awkward saying honeymoon contributions! I would rather say nothing at all just your attendance, but then we will end up with gifts that we have to either leave at my parents or put in storage! Starting to wish we had added the honeymoon contributions in the evening invitation now ?
I have to disagree with this in some cases - i.e at my wedding, I am limited by my venue for the number of day guests I can invite. so the majority of our friends are invited for the evening only. We're not having a wedding breakfast so its nothing to do with not wanting to pay for people to be there in the day. I will be inviting those friends who are evening invites only to my hen because theyre still my friends and I expect them to understand that I am VERY limited on numbers for the ceremony....not that I dont care about them enough to pay anything out for them!!! In actual fact it wouldnt cost any different for me to have 20 guests or the maximum i think thats a bit of a harsh statement.
I disagree too - I can only have 36 people (Inc bride, groom and photographers!!) to my ceremony, I'd have many more people if I could.. Hence having my 'wedding breakfast' at the evening reception for everybody.
Lol, I have people coming to my hen who are not even invited to the wedding at all!!! Then again, I have been on quite a few hen parties where I've not been invited to the wedding.
Also about the church, I like churches as venues, a lot of them are beautiful but I would feel the whole thing would be a farce, swearing to a God I don't believe in. Just seems a bit ridiculous!? You wouldn't have a naturist wedding if you weren't a naturist, so why have a Christian wedding if you are not a Christian?
I totally agree about the church thing - I'd feel like a complete hypocrite if I got married in a church just because I wanted my photos to look great. I was at a friend's wedding a few year's ago and the service was so much more meaningful because they're both very involved with their church, I realised during their service that I couldn't have mine in a church because although I was raised Catholic, I don't ever go to church so it would feel a bit cheeky. Also, my OH is CofE so we'd then have to decide whose faith is more important even though neither of us go to church lol
I was just thinking of them with all this talk of bags on the forum. I've never seen one that I think looks suitable for a grown woman to be carrying. Can be cute on flower girls though.
Strap marks on bride or bridesmaid if wearing strapless dresses!
i have (jokingly) forbidden my BMs from wearing anything strappy during the summer ?. At my cousin-in-law's wedding last year, the bride and BMs all had strap marks and it was all you could see IYKWIM
If it was a close friend then I'd be annoyed if I hadn't been invited to the wedding probably, but my OH is inviting a couple of blokes to his stag that aren't coming to the wedding - he met them in South Africa when him and his BM were there for the World Cup, they spent 3 weeks together having a great time and he wants to have another day of lads fun with them I think. He never even suggested inviting them to the wedding though, and I don't think they'll think anything of it either.
Agree about the church, I would of loved to be getting married in a church cause they are just the most beautiful buildings every, but yeah I don't believe in getting married in one if your not religious, it's kinda taking the piss.
I never used to have an opinion on weddings until i started planning my own, I used to think all things for a wedding were lovely, not now....
Balloons, paper things i.e. napkins & decorations, blowing bubbles, feathers especially big pink ones, lottery tickets as favours(how annoyed would you be if someone won the jackpot, I'd be wanting a share seeing as I bought the ticket), sausage rolls and cheap sandwiches in the evening, big crown like tiaras, sweets in jars, Sugar almonds, MOTB & MOTG wearing flowery frumpy dresses, flower girls that wear an exact copy mini-me brides dress, the groom not wearing underwear under his kilt (other grooms though ?, not a pretty sight when they get lifted at the end by all the guys and you can see what's up there), and ceremony music on a CD......
Well, some of them are friends of friends who I know want to join in on the hen do and others I have gone to their hens so invited them to mine. My hen is gonna be more like an actual party than any hens I have been on before (i.e. hired a private room just for us, in the town I am from and most of the guests are from so no accommodation costs involved), so there is gonna be around 60 people there. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, but my attitude is the more the merrier and I'm flattered that people want to come and join in.
Putting food on the table so you have to help yourself
Wine on a table so you have to go and fetch it yourself.
Sweetie buffets
People who say their wedding is so different... and it isn't.
People smoking weed outside (the groom at a wedding I went to)
Outdoor toilets
Ruffled dressed or those ones with tucks in... they look like your dress is tucked in your knickers. Hideous.
Bridesmaids is short dresses when they all have different shoes on.
Bridal shoes. They're all ugly.
Putting the future wife of the best man on the table furtherst from the top table
Sweetheart tables
Round top tables
Fruit cake
Disposable cameras
Brides with tattoos on display
Cake as dessert
False nails
Orange people
None matching bridesmaids
Lack of dress code - sorry, some people are just stupid enough to turn up in jeans. I don't want to turn up over dressed. I know no-one agrees with me but some people just don't think and I hate people who come to weddings in casual attire.
None edible favours, purely as a bride, I wouldn't want to put effort in and then no-one take them home.
Reading this, I'm actually surprised anyones liked anyones posts/threads previous to this one, how anyones agreed on any suggestions and how friendships have been able to form.....
I think things that are going on in my wedding have been covered here... my wedding will be vintage but I thought of that way before it was trendy ? and we are having a civil ceremony (but we will have a couple of readings),- I am an athiest and my h2b agnostic.
I dislike:
pints of beer at the wedding breakfast (tacky)
when a couple have a very very expensive flashy wedding at an expensive venue and expect their guests to buy their own drinks at inflated prices (if you are so rich why not give your guests drinks?)
keeping your guests waiting for food (i.e. no canapes but bride and groom spend ages having piccies taken then make you listen to an hour's worth of speeches before you can eat)
kids running around during the service (no it's not "cute")
balloons (anyone else think that they are totally pointless and out of place at a wedding)
bride/groom singing to each other or reading self penned poems (as they are usually cringy, mushy and badly written) ?
doves being released (they symbolise peace, surely better to release after the signing of a treaty not a wedding)
pebble place names
I am sorry but I also hate watching the first dance, I feel like I am intruding on a private moment