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What have you done which makes you CRINGE?

4 of February of 2015 at 20:55 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 21

Following on nicely from a post in another thread about cringe moments - what have you done which has made you want to curl up and die, there and then?

The one I always remember (and still gets spoken about) goes like this....

I was out shopping with my best mate in the local town. She met a lady she knew and they stood there chatting for a few minutes. I was stood on my own staring into space when I copped sight of these two teenagers having a serious snogfest. It was gross. He was groping her and she was really shoving her tongue down his neck. It was waaaaaay over the top for a Saturday afternoon outside Iceland... I was like ?

So the conversation between my friend and her acquaintance came to a natural end, and I butted in to tell them about this couple. I was busy saying "ugh, look at them - they're vile!! They need to get a room - ugh she's a tramp!!" and many more words along those lines - which to this day fail me - as the bombshell hit.

My friends acquaintance turned around and pointed out that the 2 snoggers were her daughter and her daughters new boyfriend.

Me = ?

Your turn!

21 replies

Latest activity by Erin8, 8 of February of 2015 at 10:44
  • I
    Beginner June 2016
    inovermyhead ·
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    I refer you to my post in Chucklevision's topic!!!! hahaha ?

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  • Chucklevision
    Beginner July 2015
    Chucklevision ·
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    Ha ha Hilarious! That's the kind of thing that would happen to me.

    When I was much younger I got hammered one night & got the taxi to drop me off at then end of the village because I couldn't afford the fair the whole way home. During my walk home I decided to stop for a pee for some reason I thought I needed to take my pants off entirely to do so. The next day walking to the shops my mum found my pants in the middle of the road & I had to explain how they got there. Major cringe!

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  • InkedDoll
    VIP January 2015
    InkedDoll ·
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    Okay, here's mine. This was about 10yrs ago I think. I was shopping in the big Boots in the city centre and going down the escalator. It was hot in there (it always is) so in my wisdom I decided the escalator ride was a good time to take my jacket off. However, I forgot I was wired up to my mp3 player and in the jacket removal process, I got the wires tangled and dropped my earphones. I bent down to retrieve them, and promptly fell down the escalator. I landed at the bottom with a thunk, an assistant rushed to help me up, but the earphones remained stuck in between the steps. So she had to get one security guard to stand at the top and stop anyone getting on it, and another one to stand at the bottom, stop the escalator moving, then start it going in the opposite direction and extract my earphones.

    The only saving grace to this story is that it was a weekday morning and not a busy Saturday afternoon or something. Nevertheless, I've never again tried to remove clothing whilst on an escalator.

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  • Chucklevision
    Beginner July 2015
    Chucklevision ·
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    Oh Inky you poor poor thing!

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  • Sam&Louise
    Beginner September 2015
    Sam&Louise ·
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    That's hilarious Schwelly!

    My most cringe moment was waking up after a night out and having vague flashbacks of being rescued from our toilet by my mum. From what I can piece together, i'd fallen asleep on the loo, fallen into it and was so intoxicated I couldn't get out. I was rescued, bare bottomed by my mum who I assume, put me to bed ?

    We've never spoken of it since. My parents must be so proud. Don't sneak absinth into clubs people, it wont end well.

    It genuinely put me off for life, i've not really been one for alcohol since. That was 2009ish. Still makes me want to crawl into a hole.

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  • HelenSomerset
    Beginner September 2014
    HelenSomerset ·
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    Loads of cringe moments!

    Accidentally shouting "just take the sodding money" down a work conference call when I thought I was on mute. That was pretty appalling.

    Also, the time the seam of my pencil skirt ripped in Leeds station and I didn't notice. This bloke sidled up to me and whispered in my ear "I can see your arse". Cringe!

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  • MrsShep
    Beginner September 2014
    MrsShep ·
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    Oh Helen, I'm sorry, yours made me chuckle!

    I was once teaching a class of children to swim when my trousers split and i had to carry on. I got so drunk in a club, passed out in the toilet and the blokes I was with had to break the door down and carry me back to the hotel, but the worst has to be when I was still at school. I used to refuse to use the toilets and then rush home, but one day I didn't have a key and mum was still at work, I wet myself on my own doorstep. Stay classy ;-)

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  • AuntieBJ
    Beginner September 2014
    AuntieBJ ·
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    While potty training my daughter I was forced by IBS necessity to use the public toilets in the local shopping centre. Once I was done, I stood up to reorganise my clothing and my darling child announced in a nice big voice "well done mummy, that's a lovely big poo!!"

    i couldn't leave for at least 20 minutes when the giggling from other loos finally stopped

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  • HelenSomerset
    Beginner September 2014
    HelenSomerset ·
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    MrsShep that's not that bad wetting yourself on your doorstep. I will admit to wetting myself behind a photocopier on work experience and moving paper boxes to cover it up. Never got found out though! In my defence, I was unwell and too scared to ask to use the toilet.

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  • M
    Beginner April 2016
    MrsRees2B ·
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    I've done Sooooo many cringe worthy things. I remember getting so drunk as a teenager on holiday, getting back to the room shared with mum and dad! Getting lost in the dark in said room and my mum having to get up take me to the loo and put me to bed. The next day she said I was shuffling round like ET. I have also pee'd on my doorstep.. Very drunk thought in my infinite wisdom I'm not gonna make it to the loo so I'll just wee here. ?

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  • *J9*
    VIP March 2014
    *J9* ·
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    I too have wet myself on the doorstep, although I blame my mum for this one! I was about 8/9 years old and playing outside. My mum got fed up with me constantly knocking on the door to go inside and get something so the last time I knocked she didn't answer. Unfortunately that time I was bursting for the loo and wet myself. She felt bad afterwards.

    I was on holiday in Zante when I was 18 and was very drunk. I fell up the stairs inside this club we were in and thought no one noticed. The next night 3 separate groups saw me and said "hey I remember you, you fell up the stairs in ..." - mortifying!

    I was at work in an internal training thing and the trainer was hurrying us up so I said a little loudly "crikey, keep your hair on" without really thinking. Unfortunately he was bald and didn't see the funny side!

    ETA- just thought of another one

    I was at a fancy dress NYE party and dressed as a sexy cavewoman. My skirt was held together with velcro and this guy I fancied ripped my skirt off in front of everyone.

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  • Chucklevision
    Beginner July 2015
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    ?Oh I don't laughed so loud in a while. Kids, eh - gotta love 'em!

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  • Chucklevision
    Beginner July 2015
    Chucklevision ·
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    Oh i have plenty more! All revolving around alcohol, the loo and pants

    when we interview applicants at work it's common to nip in and out of the interview to collect info or give them to complete paperwork etc. Once I took the opportunity to nip to the loo and When I returned, the applicant advised me that my skirt was tucked into my pants. They were horrible scraggy pants too.?

    In my teens we went for a drinking session once and thought it would be a good idea to catch a late film. the guys had been plying me with whisky of all things . Anyway feeling unwell i went to the loo during the trailers and never returned. My friends had come to find me at the end of the film - I had passed out in the loo in a pile of my own sick and had to be broken out of the toilet cubicle by a member of staff. I had also left a trail of sick from the screen to the toilets. ?

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  • MrsShep
    Beginner September 2014
    MrsShep ·
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    Out of the mouths of babes!

    Oh Helen, that must have been mortifying! Thank goodness no one called you out on it. Poor thing!

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  • yorkshirekiwi
    Beginner August 2014
    yorkshirekiwi ·
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    Ah BekkiJane, yours reminde me of a story I was too young to cringe at at the time, but which mortified my poor Dad.

    When I was little Dad worked nights and mum worked days, Dad used to do all the shopping as the supermarket was quieter in the daytime, and as I was pre school i got to go and 'help'. Part of my job was helping to load the conveyor belt at the checkout. Apparently one one trip Dad was purchasing some of mums monthly 'essentials' and as the cashier passed the box of tampons through the checkout (and much to my Dads horror)I piped up in a very loud voice. 'My Daddy has to buy those becaue my Mummys bottom always bleeds'. He's a very shy man, i imagine this almost killed him! I also have no idea how or why i knew about that when i was 4!

    I'm sure I've done plenty since then that I have to take more responsibility for but i can't think what right now!

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  • bliss_balloons
    bliss_balloons ·
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    I was in a cinema I'd never been to before and really needed the loo, I saw a door with a light up emergancy exit sign and thought that must be the way out to the toilets. Turned out it took me outside to a gated area with no way out and the emergancy door didn't open from the outside. Luckily a member of staff saw me go through and had to let me back into the packed out cinema while I hung me head in shame.

    I went to my friends and her oh had a new car which he hadn't parked on their drive. I was going full rant into what a chavy tacky car in was (it was bright yellow with alloy wheels) when she dropped the bomb that it was theirs. ?

    I ruined a surprise party once that was pretty cringe worthy.

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  • Arpee
    Beginner August 2016
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    You can't just leave it there, give us some details!

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  • SillyWrong
    Beginner October 2014
    SillyWrong ·
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    Many years ago when I was a student. A house party at a house I lived at. Got trashed and went to bed. Slept walked naked back in to the living room. Full on zombie walk, took a seat on the sofa. No recollection of it until I was reminded by some of the unfortunate witnesses, and then I remembered it like it had been a dream.


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  • amihohu
    Beginner September 2013
    amihohu ·
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    These stories are making me spit tea over my work keyboard! I do have one of my own. When I was a teenager I worked in a department store, often I would be on the changing rooms, which had one entrance, with me directing men one way and women the other. This women came along with who I presumed was her daughter, so I directed them to the ladies... turns out it was her son.

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  • Erin8
    Beginner June 2014
    Erin8 ·
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    There are some funny stories here!!!

    I have too many to mention. The most recent involved a work colleague escorting a patient to their home town for the day which is a town just north of London. Me and the colleague were laughing about the place when he returned, about how much of a *** hole it is and how unfortunate the people are. I went off to do another task, a colleague from another ward then came in the office and asked my colleague how his day was. He then proceeds to tell her where he has been and what he thought of it. She then reveals the place is her home town...

    At a house party when l was 19, right at the end of the night l fell asleep in a chair. I was woken by my friend to say l had to clean myself up as l had vomited down my own cleavage!

    When l was 17 l got too drunk on tequila to go into the Hacienda. Still gutted even now! I was put in a cab home. Due to my drunkenness l rolled around in the back of it most of the way home. Does anyone sense a theme here with me and alcohol?!

    On the way home from work about 10 years ago a fellow passenger on the tube had to tell me my skirt was tucked in my knickers. Luckily it was a long one, no one saw my bum and it looked like an oddly shaped skirt.

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