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Dedicated October 2023 Surrey

What will you do with lipstick, tissues, phone, plasters etc on the day?

AmesLou, 26 of March of 2023 at 11:21 Posted on Planning 0 7

There doesn't seem to be much point in me getting a bag, as when would I actually hold it? A lot of websites advise giving all your 'essentials' to the bridesmaids, but they'll also have their own essentials they'll need and also won't be able to hold bags (although they could give them to their boyfriends I guess). I couldn't really give a whole separate bag to my mum to hold either as she'll also already be carrying her own small bag, so two bags would look odd with her carefully chosen outfit Smiley laugh

Our ceremony and reception are at different venues. Once we're back at the reception venue it should be okay as I could store things in my room, or have a big bag under the top table with lots of things in. We'll be having some group photos and a lot of couples photos at the ceremony venue though so I'll definitely need to touch up lipstick, maybe face powder, undoubtedly need tissues etc while were still there. Is there any simple way around this that I'm missing (don't get me started on needing to carry a bottle of water with me if I'm going outside for more than 5 minutes, haha)?

Just wondering what everyone else is doing as I've spoken to several people who are all confused by this issue Smiley laugh

7 replies

Latest activity by Anonbride, 30 of March of 2023 at 09:50
  • S
    Rockstar April 2023 West London
    Sarah ·
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    I’m having a small bag that one of bridesmaids is carrying for me. When we get to the ceremony they’ve got a table where we’ll leave our bags before we go in and can then pick them up again on the way out. Our reception is at the same location, so once I’ve touched up makeup before the photos I’ll ask someone to take my bag into the main room so it’ll be there for me when I get to the reception.

    I don’t know if that helps at all, it is one of those really annoying things. I absolutely echo your question about a water bottle - I’m permanently attached to mine, I literally never have it out of my sight, so was trying to figure out where to keep it until my fiancé pointed out they will have water at the venue 😂

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  • T
    Beginner July 1987 West Sussex
    Tarapatel ·
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    By the way congratulations.. home bargains staff portal

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  • R
    VIP July 2020 Monmouthshire
    RomanticGreenStationery27135 ·
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    Don't overthink it - if you have a lot of stuff you want to keep with you, just give your bag to a family member or friend to take in to the ceremony venue and then bring to the reception venue. At both venues, the bag can be left somewhere safe when it's not needed. Whoever is carrying it doesn't need to keep holding on to it for the photos.

    I have seen a couple of brides carry tiny bags along with their bouquets - just big enough to fit tissues and lipstick in - so you could look at getting one of these if you really want to have something nearby. And you're not really going to need your phone at your ceremony anyway - other people will be taking photos, and in the unlikely event that you do need to make a call or send a text, you can always ask someone else to slip your phone into their pocket or bag.

    I took a bag with me which I left in the car (I didn't actually end up needing anything at the ceremony anyway).

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  • H
    Expert November 2022 Lincolnshire
    Hayley ·
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    Could you have a few things passed to your OH to keep in his suit jacket?
    My phone stayed in our hotel room the whole day and my husband kept tissues and my room key in his pockets for me.
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  • Amie Seal Photography
    Amie Seal Photography ·
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    This is EXACTLY what your bridesmaids are for; let them carry all your shizzle! Smiley tongue

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  • K
    Dedicated June 2023 Essex
    Kirsty ·
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    So I also have different ceremony and reception venues as I'm getting married in a church. This is my plan....

    So all the bridesmaids have their own bags, I also have a clutch bag, which Ill put my phone, lipstick, plasters etc in. During the ceremony, these will stay in the cars and Ill have my bride bag for later in the car too. Anything that I need at the reception later will be in the cars to come with us.

    There is then a bridal prep room at my reception venue, where I will have a big bag with things in that I may need such as, trainers and flip flops, socks, mini sewing kit, spare plasters, extra make up, deodorant, perfume, etc. This will stay in the prep room until I need that stuff.

    My bridesmaids will then be carrying my clutch bag during the reception. But to be fair, many of the weddings I have been to, clutch bags usually just end up on the tables once people get dancing, so I wouldn't worry about that too much.

    I wouldn't worry about the water bottle. You are the bride, If you say you need water someone will get it for you. Especially if you have a wedding coordinator, they tend to be nearby all day.

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  • A
    Expert July 2023 Cornwall
    Anonbride ·
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    I'm planning on putting a "bridal box" in the bathroom - with lipstick, hairbrush, hairspray, dry shampoo... all those things!

    I'll probably leave my phone in the room or give it to my mum, I have heard of people giving their phone to a bridesmaid as well so that the next day they have a load of pictures to look at.

    I'm also permanently attached to my water bottle, but I've just asked the venue coordinator if we can please just have water everywhere!

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