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Beginner August 2011

What's the worst behaviour / etiquette you've seen at a wedding / preparations?

Kat44, 21 of January of 2011 at 20:05 Posted on Planning 0 37

Well, the title says it all, what's the worst thing you've witnessed at a wedding or worst behaviour pre or post wedding?!

Is it not sending thank you cards or a guest turning up in full on white dress, share your horrors ?

37 replies

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  • Mrs C
    Beginner March 2011
    Mrs C ·
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    Apart from my ex starting a full on fight with my sisters bf...... at my cousins wedding reception... meaning we all had to leave!

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  • Vikster79
    Beginner July 2011
    Vikster79 ·
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    This had me ex receptionist who had worked for the company a while got married, we all put £20 in and the Directors made it up to £500 and not a word of a thank you, before the wedding (she got presented it along with a bunch of flowers) or after and came back to work and we waited, but NOTHING! I thought it was really to say she got pregnant shortly after, went of maternity leave and never came back. We didnt get her even a leaving card we were so mad.

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  • charliebird7
    Beginner March 2012
    charliebird7 ·
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    Not a wedding I was invited too but one I have worked at where there was a huge fight involving half the men at the wedding, the door staff couldn't stop it so the police had to be called! x

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  • J
    Beginner November 2011
    JST ·
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    A massive fight on the dance floor involving one girl (quite rightly) calling another a sl*g and slapping her round the face!

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  • panda2011
    Beginner September 2011
    panda2011 ·
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    I was a guest at a wedding & having major hormonal problems at the time (long story but needed to have an operation badly). Got to the hotel where the wedding breakfast was being held & OH buggered off & left me to socialise with his mates amongst a bunch of strangers & made it obvious he wanted some 'blokey' time. I found it all a bit much & the water works started. Unfortunately due to my hormones I then couldn't stop crying & ended up hiding in a quiet bit of the hotel away from every one. I felt so bad for the bride & groom as they were lovely & I didn't want to put a dampner on their day but I really could not stop blubbing. It still makes me cringe now as it was just so embarrasing ☹️ Bloody hormones have a lot to answer for!

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  • J
    Beginner November 2011
    JST ·
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    Ohhh Panda bless you! If we're talking about our own worst behaviour at weddings I may have done something a trifle out of order at one of OHs friend's weddings... I'd lost my bag and some horrible girl who I'd had dealings with in the past had it under her arm. I may have quietly told her that if she ever touched my posessions ever again I would tear her in two. She went mental and started screaming obscenities! I stormed out, furious, and whilst marching off saw that the groom was having a fight in the corner! OHs friends really are amazing sometimes.

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  • lisaloulou
    lisaloulou ·
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    One of the ushers rushing out of the church part way through the ceremony to throw up in the graveyard outside! He had a one too many lemonades the night before...

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  • BumbleBrat
    BumbleBrat ·
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    My stupid cousin started a fight on the dancefloor at my Sister's wedding. He hadn't eaten all day and so got drunk pretty quickly and turned into a complete tosspot. I was absolutely furious!!

    I reckon sitting round the present table opening all your gifts while your guests are waiting for their grub would be pretty rude... ?

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  • MrsBear2b
    Beginner August 2011
    MrsBear2b ·
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    We were at a wedding in Sicily in October and one of the family member (I think aunt to the groom) was texting on her phone. At one point she even picked up a call and was talking on it for a few minutes. Her kids were nuts, climbing up and down, running along the aisles and eating noisy crisps! Madness!

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  • Kat44
    Beginner August 2011
    Kat44 ·
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    Oh my god, these are cringeworthy but also kinda funny! seems like fights seem to break out more than you'd think!

    It's hard to believe people like this actually exist!!

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  • Chris Giles Photography
    Chris Giles Photography ·
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    Catholic wedding:

    Strict catholic family commenting on how the only thing missing from the priests car was a child seat.

    True story.

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  • Kat44
    Beginner August 2011
    Kat44 ·
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  • *Mini*
    Beginner January 2012
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    I used to live on a Hids estate when I was at uni and one night we heard a ruckus coming from the estate pub opposite. When looking out the window we saw an impressive fight, a hightlight for me was the bride with her hands around a guests neck [i think a BM] on the floor punching her in the face. Pretty much all people at the wedding were involved. Provided some level of amusement for us anyway.

    So classy.

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  • N
    Beginner August 2011
    Noodle2Be ·
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    My friend didn't send thank you cards, which may not sound much, but my parents gave her the accommodation for her honeymoon in Florida She also still hasn't shown anyone the photos and she got married nearly 3 years ago, I really wanted to see them as I was a bridesmaid.

    Also at my brothers wedding one of the female guests Turned up in a white trouser suit!!

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  • Kat44
    Beginner August 2011
    Kat44 ·
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    My friend did that!!! She wore a white trouser suit to her cousins wedding, I mean i know no-one is likely to confuse her with the bride but I just thought it was a given that you generally don't wear white to a wedding?!

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  • Peter
    Peter ·
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    Does my trousers splitting in front of the couple count?

    There was no need that day to ask them to smile....stopping them laughing every time they looked at me was difficult.....


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  • teeheeyoucrazyguys!
    teeheeyoucrazyguys! ·
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    We attended a wedding a couple of years ago where I was taken aback by the bride going a bit mental on the dancefloor; scooping her dress up around her, almost flashing her sussies and throwing herself about the dancefloor... I know theres enjoying yourself but she was like a woman possessed...... i couldnt believe what she was doing to her frock.

    At our wedding she was p!ssed within hours and very flirty with friends mensfolk and really rude to her own partner. They left without a goodbye, just as we were getting ready to go early too...

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  • sapphire_22
    Beginner September 2011
    sapphire_22 ·
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    I have so many of these...

    My ever classy SIL starting a drunken fight at a family wedding over nothing; different wedding where another family member decided to tell everyone EXACTLY what he thought about marriage; a horrible wedding where someone I barely know told me that OH wasn't right for me ☹️.

    So far with the planning of my wedding I have had: a (not particularly close) relative getting p*ssed off with me for not taking their working hours into consideration when setting a date for my wedding; 2 people asking whether we are getting married cos I'm pregnant (I'm not); several people telling us that marriage is pointless/we are probably going to get divorced anyway/we are rushing into marriage (we have been together over 2 years). Most annoying was when my BM wore an engagement ring on her ring finger to go wedding dress shopping with me (she is not engaged and knows I don't have a ring, so it would look as though she were the bride).

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  • Kat44
    Beginner August 2011
    Kat44 ·
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    Oh my! I can't believe your BM would do that!! Did you say anything to her?!

    When me and a BM went to a wedding fair, everyone kept asking her when her wedding was, she wasn't wearing a ring though, I just think they thought she was prettier / thinner and therefore more bride like lol!!

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  • M
    Beginner October 2011
    mrs_lewis_2b ·
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    These are soooooo cringeworthy! At my friends wedding, one of her "friends" turned up in a cream satin dress..... You would think that would be enough, but no..... It had a train on it too that was pinned up which she unpinned at the reception!!! She loved herself so much and always wanted to be the centre of attention!

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  • S
    Beginner June 2011
    Salari ·
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    Worst i've ever seen was at a wedding where brides father got p!seed and told anyone who would listen a) the cost of everything, in great, great detail and b) what a waste it all was. He topped off the evening by shouting at the bride so much she left on her honeymoon in tears.... They no longer speak....

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  • sapphire_22
    Beginner September 2011
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    When I saw it I said 'oh that's a pretty ring, where's it from?' and turns out it was a very expensive e-ring which she had been given by a relative to wear when she gets engaged - she doesn't even have a boyfriend atm though so I don't know why she was even wearing it. She is lovely most of the time and has been really supportive of me and OH's relationship but she likes to have all eyes on her. I am a bit apprehensive about her BM dress which I am letting her choose herself on the condition that she pays for it (I couldn't really afford to have BMs but she 'appointed' herself to the position lol). All the ones she has been trying on so far have been VERY revealing. I'm happy that she will be wearing something she feels good in but I don't think I will be able to look our parish priest in the eye again for a while ?

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  • Kat44
    Beginner August 2011
    Kat44 ·
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    Oh sapphire, I don't know how you can be so nice to let her push her way into your wedding and choose a revealing dress, you're a better woman than me lol. I hope you can reign her in!! Makes me thankful for having 3 easy going BMs!!!

    It does make me mad though that some people can't just be happy for their friends and let them have their 'turn' without having to try and muscle in or outdo them - grrr!

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  • sapphire_22
    Beginner September 2011
    sapphire_22 ·
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    Actually, one guest has been demoted from 'potential best man' to 'evening-only guest' since he is completely unable to be happy for us.

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  • Kat44
    Beginner August 2011
    Kat44 ·
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    What is wrong with some people??? ?

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  • sapphire_22
    Beginner September 2011
    sapphire_22 ·
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    Jealous because they aren't happy and in love too??

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  • SarinaCain
    Beginner March 2011
    SarinaCain ·
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    It hasnt happned yet ...but sister in law to be has said she is wearing a gold contour dress at the wedding.

    Exact same colour as my bridesmaids...hmmmmm

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  • Ixia
    Ixia ·
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    Not quite so bad as the other stories here, but I was cross at my Brother's wedding when no sooner had the wedding breakfast and speeches finished that my SIL's son (aged 21) and her brother and nephews dashed off to get changed into casual clothes to go down the road to the pub to watch the football. They weren't seen again until the end of the evening.

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  • Browny
    Beginner June 2011
    Browny ·
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    I've never seen anything at weddings other than people on their best behaviour!

    I'm shocked at some of these stories!

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  • Little Madam
    Little Madam ·
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    I have 2, can't decide which is worse?!

    My mom and dad went to a lovely wedding ceremony and then onto the evening reception, everything was very civilised and got to the speeches, they groom did his, and at the end announced "Being the groom meant that I was in charge of booking the honeymoon, which is booked for 2 weeks in Spain, however sadly I won't be able to attend. The bride and best man will be going alone since they have been f**king for the last 6 months" to which he promptly got up and walked out, leaving the whole place gunning for the best man!! My dad was grooms friend and had NO IDEA this was going to happen, apparently no one did.

    Second one was a wedding I went to back in 2005. The bride was 18 on the Thursday and as her parents refused to let them get married, they married on the Saturday after her birthday. The ceremony was lovely, but there was a 6 hour gap between the ceremony and the reception and by the time we got there everyone was wasted!! The groom was so drunk and we think off his face on drugs that he passed out in the back of the Limo parked outside the reception venue, they never got to cut the cake or have their first dance. Bride was also 6 months pregnant and tripped over in her dress causing panic amoungst her family and she was in a real state over grooms behaviour. It was a friend of my exs who I no longer speak to but I'd love to know if they are still together.!

    Also saw a guest at my friends wedding in a micro-mini dress who was close family and attended the ceremony - if it were my church wedding I think my mom would have asked her to remain outside the church!!

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  • CupcakeQueen
    Beginner January 2011
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    This has got to win!

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  • Panjita
    Beginner May 2011
    Panjita ·
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    When my bro and sis in law got married - on of her uncles turned up in a pair of beach shorts, socks and Merrell style sandals.

    When my cousin got married, my Dad almost had a fight with some young lad who was taking the P!55 (he kept taking my mum's seat)

    I've been to a wedding where it was fairly obvious a lot of the guests are taking drugs.

    I had a drunken row with my ex once at a wedding because he thought some bloke was chatting me up. At the same wedding I got up and took the microphone off the lead singer in the band and decided I was going to be the one doing the singing... they let me too! CRINGEY!!! I sang a whole verse of Close to You by The Carpenters.

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