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Beginner July 2003

when is too late to hoover?

Fimble, 14 June, 2009 at 21:18 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 34

I live in a semi and need to hoover the house - do you think its too late now? (she says kind of hopefully)

34 replies

Latest activity by sdaisy22, 15 June, 2009 at 19:43
  • Missus Jolly
    Beginner October 2004
    Missus Jolly ·
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    It's not quite DIY. I would if it really needed doing.

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  • em-ster
    Beginner July 2008
    em-ster ·
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    Nope - get it plugged in! You'll be thankful tomorrow if you do it now ?

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  • D
    Dopper2 ·
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    I'd say it would depend on how long you need to hoover for and how often you're likely to do it at this time. A half hour hoover at this time each Sunday night would have me knocking on your door, I'm afraid. A 10 minute hoover once a month or so wouldn't bother me overly. Generally speaking I'd say anything regular past 9pm might upset the neighbours. But then, I'm a grumpy old woman on these issues. I get annoyed with people ringing after 9pm and I'm aware I'm in the minority on this...

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  • Hoobygroovy
    Hoobygroovy ·
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    Glad I don't live next to those who said it was ok. Depends how thin the walls are, I suppose, but I'd be a bit put out if my neighbour got the hoover out now. OK for a quick back and forth if you've dropped something on the carpet but too late for a full-on vacuuming session, imo.

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  • ~~~liz~~~
    Beginner January 2008
    ~~~liz~~~ ·
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    We never hoover after 9pm as our walls are really thin but our neighbour thinks its fine to hoover any time of night, even 2am!

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  • Rosencrantz
    Rosencrantz ·
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    Wouldn't bother me in the slightest.

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  • HeidiHole
    Beginner October 2003
    HeidiHole ·
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    I wouldn't, unless it's a very quick job.

    If a neighbour hoovering woke up my youngest, there'd be a whole world of whoop ass waiting to be unleashed ?

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  • Pink Han-bag
    Beginner March 2013
    Pink Han-bag ·
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    We live in an old house so the walls are quite thick and atm it wouldn't bother me massively but when the baby's here I bet my answer would be different! If they have children then I think it's too late but otherwise I'd do it till about 10pm I think.

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  • Missus Jolly
    Beginner October 2004
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    I was one of those horrible parents who hoovered around my kids when they were asleep ? Consequently they will sleep through anything (Buncefield and minor earthquakes being examples!). It's difficult though because if people have really young kids then 6 or 7pm could be equally as bad a time. I guess in this instance it depends on your neighbours.

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  • F
    Beginner July 2003
    Fimble ·
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    Well in the end I didn't bother, by the time I'd tidied away all the toys etc so I could actually see the floor, its was 9.45 and I decided that might be too late.

    I know the neighbours can hear me hoover as her sister has commented before 'ooh I stayed with x on Friday night and I couldn't believe you were hoovering at 9.30' in a kind of catty way which has prob made me a bit paranoid. Must admit I never hear them hoover but maybe they clean during the day when I'm at work.

    Mrs Jess, maybe your neighbours just don't hoover?! ?

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  • F
    Beginner July 2003
    Fimble ·
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    Well in the end I didn't bother, by the time I'd tidied away all the toys etc so I could actually see the floor, its was 9.45 and I decided that might be too late.

    I know the neighbours can hear me hoover as her sister has commented before 'ooh I stayed with x on Friday night and I couldn't believe you were hoovering at 9.30' in a kind of catty way which has prob made me a bit paranoid. Must admit I never hear them hoover but maybe they clean during the day when I'm at work.

    Mrs Jess, maybe your neighbours just don't hoover?! ?

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  • ClareMarie
    Beginner August 2006
    ClareMarie ·
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    I wouldn't hoover after about 8pm tbh nor before about 9am when we lived in a semi, I do recall feeling very naughty the first time I hoovered in our detached house at about 10pm ?

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  • Hepburn
    Beginner August 2008
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    I don't think I've ever heard our neighbours hoovering in the 4 years we've lived where we do, so I'd not have any issues hoovering at any time really.

    If we had thin walls I'd say 10pm latest.

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  • chids
    chids ·
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    TBH i wouldn't hoover after about 8pm, however i do get up quite early and hoover so maybe i'm a bad person for doing that.

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  • Sandysounds
    Sandysounds ·
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    Lol....when I saw the title of this thread my immediate answer was..... 'when the carpet is so thread bare that hoovering would take the carpet and leave the dirt.'! Sorry....I obviously got the wrong end of the stick.

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  • Ostrich
    Beginner April 2005
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    WSS. I regularly hoover after 9pm.

    I can't hoover in the daytime because the 3 year old wants to do it for me, and the baby is scared of it! By the time I get the kids settled in bed and have something to eat, it's way after 9pm. I'd be really pissed off if someone knocked to complain. I don't consider the hoover to be a loud noise anyway.

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  • kierenthecommunity
    Beginner May 2005
    kierenthecommunity ·
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    maybe they have dirty carpets? ?

    although come to think of it, i don't think i've heard my neighbours hoover either. not that i've been especially listening out for it.

    i have heard their washing machine and him playing his guitar though

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  • cherry_bomb
    cherry_bomb ·
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    We're in a maisonette and I hear our upstairs neighbours hoover as their floor is our ceiling - only ever at weekends though. I'm not sure if they'd be able to hear our hoovering as loudly as we hear theirs given that we're below them - I would probably hoover up until 10pm if I had to but no later.

    Our neighbours don't have kids but aren't exactly late night types, we ran into the husband on our way to the tube this morning and he commented on how fresh-faced we looked after a 'night of debauchery' - we'd had 10 people over for a (relatively quiet and not at all debauched) barbeque on Sunday, the last people had gone by 9pm ?

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  • Flaming Nora
    Beginner May 2003
    Flaming Nora ·
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    We hear our neighbours hoovering regularly. There is no way I'd hoover after about 9pm and I'd be mightily pissed off if the neighbours were hoovering the whole house at 9pm.

    I don't get the 'if they've got kids' rule either. I haven't, but I still don't want to hear somenes hoover so late.

    Our walls are clearly very thin though as we also hear every fart, burp and light switch as well ? We all know exactly when each other are having a cuppa, poo and anything else.......

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  • Ostrich
    Beginner April 2005
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    I'm glad you're not my neighbour because you'd be mighty pissed off with me then. ?

    I'm actually very surprised at the number of people on here who consider 9pm as "late". 9pm is early to me, certainly not an unsociable hour and even less so for doing household chores like hoovering, washing, etc. I can understand that people wouldn't to hear drilling and banging after 9pm, but I wouldn't worry about hoovering/dishwasher/washing machine.

    I'm a working mum with two small children, so the alternative would be to do it before 7.30am when I leave the house in the morning. That, to me, would be a much more unsociable hour! Our washing machine cycle takes at least an hour, and I've never timed the dishwasher but imagine it takes about the same amount of time. That would mean that if I don't have the washing machine on/dishwasher running/hoovering done before 8pm, I wouldn't be able to do it that night. That's definitely not acceptable to me in my own home. I am all for being considerate of neighbours, but I don't want them dictating when I can do my housework!

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  • Hyacinth
    Hyacinth ·
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    I have never worried about the time i hoover ad I've lived in flats and now a terrace. It wouldn't occur to me.

    I've never heard my neighbours hoover either. But even so, how long does it take you to hoover? I've never hoovered more than 10 minutes, you must have large houses!

    I get annoyed at people commenting on you doing normal activities in your own house, I've have enough annoying neighbours to make me totally millitant. I pay the mortgage, I'll hoover at 10pm if I want. Or have a BBQ. or do DIY on a saturday. Anyway, tangent. Seriously, unless its loud music, arguing, door slamming etc I wouldn't give it a second thought.

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  • Flump
    Expert January 2012
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    I would say any time up to 10pm is ok. The only noise complaint I ever got when I lived in a flat, was when I was playing Steps full blast and singing along badly at 1am ?

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  • F
    Beginner July 2003
    Fimble ·
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    Right I am definately going to do it tonight then once children are in bed.

    I see your Steps-complaint and raise you Rick Astley - it was only about 9.30 on a weekend in our old garden and a random neighbour shouted at us from his bedroom window ??

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  • JK
    Beginner February 2007
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    I live in a semi, and we and our neighbours are pretty tolerant of each other. They cope with our shouty autistic son, and his shouty-in-return drama-queen sister, my late night hoovering and fishwifely child-rearing style. I cope with their religious meetings in the garden, their noisy parties, their downpipe that empties straight down our fence, but more significantly I cope with his bass playing and her Singstar parties.

    They are lovely and easygoing people, and I suppose, by default, we must be too.

    I too am shocked that 9pm might be perceived as late. Maybe if you go to sleep at 10pm and get up at 5am, but then you'd be in a minority. We don't go to bed till 11.30, and often haven't eaten by 9pm....

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  • Mrs Winkle
    Beginner May 2007
    Mrs Winkle ·
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    I don't hoover past about 9pm really. Not for any other reason than I can't be bothered that late. Our neighbours hoover a lot - I suspect she may be a bit OCD. Because her floor is wooden, it's quite loud but I wouldn't complain as we live in a maisonette and some noise is to be expected.

    (Them arguing and screaming rather a lot is another matter - we bang the wall to get them to shut up. We do it mainly because they do it in front of their 2 year old child and we hear him crying which really upsets us.)

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  • Sunset21
    Sunset21 ·
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    I agree with Jess and Ostrich on this one. My neighbour (we're in a semi) hoovers a lot but I just think 'feck me, is she hoovering again' and that's coming from a clean freak like me.

    To be honest, it would never occur to me to even think about the neighbours when turning on the hoover but then I don't know of a time when I would have been hoover past about 10pm anyway, unless we'd had a spillage of some description.

    My neighbour would love some of you lot, he moans if we make any loud noise after 7pm because he works nights and it's one reason why we want a detached. H says he's not paying XXX amount a month to be told when he can make noise ?

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  • HeidiHole
    Beginner October 2003
    HeidiHole ·
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    I moved to a detached house away from other people, do I win ?

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  • Sunset21
    Sunset21 ·
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    we're all just grateful we're not having to live next door to you hole [fishwife icon] ?

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  • HeidiHole
    Beginner October 2003
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    You know it, dude ?

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  • F
    Beginner July 2003
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    Shouldn't he be at work then?! My husband works nights sometimes and the neighbours are v good about it, I quite often take my children round there actually so as to leave H to sleep in peace!

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  • Melancholie
    Beginner December 2014
    Melancholie ·
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    Our upstairs neighbours regularly hoover at 3am. It pisses me off mightily! However, we also regularly hear shouting, banging and crying, so I've avoided actually going up and complaining. We're moving in 6 weeks as well, so I doubt I'll bother now.

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  • Lili Donkey
    Beginner July 2006
    Lili Donkey ·
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    I must be an awful neighbour - I quite often run the hoover around at 10/11pm and the washing machine / tumble dryer / dishwasher are often on until gone midnight.

    I've been known to clean the bathroom (which backs on to next doors bedroom) at 2am and when we decorate we pull all nighters - we've lived there 4 years and nobody has ever complained.

    Mr. Lili and I work quite late during the week and sometimes we don't have a choice - well the choice we have is do chores late and risk upsetting the neighbours or live in filth, I'd rather risk upsetting the neighbours. I wish we could get away with a good clean at the weekend and nothing during the week but we live in a dust trap with a long haired cat - I've actually been looking at how we can reduce the amount of dust build up and cat shedding etc. today, think we're going to try an ironiser and we've ordered one of these:

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