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Beginner September 2014

Wire word hangers

Mispinkprincess, 3 March, 2014 at 21:02 Posted on Planning 0 18

Has anyone made them at home? The wooden hangers with 'bride' or 'bridesmaid' moulded out of wire? Any tips as thinking about giving it a go!

18 replies

Latest activity by MrsF2Bee, 30 April, 2014 at 14:58
  • Trish2014
    Beginner June 2014
    Trish2014 ·
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    I've made a couple - one for me and one for my sister. The first couple of times it looked a complete mess but then I made some wire spirals for my name place cards and had obviously got the knack of shaping the wire the way I wanted. They turned out ok I think! I would just say practice a few times and don't give up first time because it doesn't look quite right. Write your name/word in the right size on a bit of A4 as a rough template to follow, grab a lip balm (for winding around to make circles etc and some pliers for the tighter corners and for 'shrinking' circles. Mine still need a bit of finishing off but this gives a bit of an idea.

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  • rubyfirecracker
    Beginner November 2013
    rubyfirecracker ·
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    They can be rather tricky to get the hang of. Wire writing is something of an art! And those hangers are pretty pricey because of that.

    I made me and my BMs some hangers using felt flowers (I made), cheap hangers and pearl letter stickers that were 99p a pack from the works - they took me about 15 minutes each at most, and require only the most basic skills! I made 4 for a total of about £6! (although I don't claim them to be nealy as nice as the professional ones - but for something used for such a short time, that was fine by me). Believe it or not, the gingham circle on my hanger is a nipple tassle I had knocking around the house, haha Smiley smile

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  • Mispinkprincess
    Beginner September 2014
    Mispinkprincess ·
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    They both look fab.

    ive got lots of wire hanging around through making my pearl bouquet both 1mm aluminum bendy type and a stiffer type would either of them be suitable?

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  • Cupcake26
    Beginner August 2015
    Cupcake26 ·
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    I love these!!!

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  • DrBuffles
    Beginner August 2014
    DrBuffles ·
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    I have had this link pinned for a while because I've been considering it but think I am going to go for penned on wording instead because I'm not sure my DIY will look great

    This is what I am going to attempt to DIY instead. These look burnt on though but I'm going to sharpie instead

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  • Trish2014
    Beginner June 2014
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    I would just have a play with both and see which looks best. My wire was quite stiff and it help the shape quite well.

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  • Ohwhatatuesday
    Beginner May 2014
    Ohwhatatuesday ·
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    Trish that looks excellent. I'm tempted to give this a go. I don't know why wedding planning has suddenly made me believe I'm good at crafty stuff!

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  • DaffodilWaves
    DaffodilWaves ·
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    Trish that looks really good!

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  • H
    Beginner May 2014
    hyzenflay ·
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    I have half done mine and am pretty pleased with them.

    The best advice I read was:

    1. Practice, you will get used to how the wire bends
    2. Write out the letters in one continuous cursive script before you start and use that as a guide when you are bending
    3. They are handmade, don't expect them to be perfect, you will notice a tiny kink in the wire, but the intended recipient probably wont
    4. Try not to bend the wire forward and back, do it in one go, trying to correct 'mistakes' will tend to make it worse in the end.

    I'll try and post a picutre of how mine turned out later, but this is what I did:

    1. I used 2mm aluminium floral wire, you can find this on e-bay in all sorts of colours - I bought it from a florist supplier and bought mirror plates, ribbon and organza at the same time - it is soft so easy to bend, but rigid enough that it keeps its shape
    2. I bought wooden hangers from Wilko, (and e-bay for the child ones), I had to remove the bars from them which was a bit annoying as they leave pins, if you can get ones without bars I'd do that, but it is possible to remove the bars.
    3. I wrote out the words I wanted to make, several times, I looked at cursive writing images, I watched youtube videos, I search wire lettering to look at how 'tricky' letters could be done nicely.
    4. I looked at lots of pictures of them
    5. I practiced on some thinner wire with a couple of the names first
    6. I found I tended to bend with my fingers mostly, but I did have some pliars that I used for some things - I had a set of jewellery pliars already, but I saw a very similar set in hobbycraft for about £10
    7. I went for everyone's first name (including my own, so it will only be the fact it is holding a wedding dress that will clue people in to the fact it is for the bride) - mostly because I thought people would like that as a keepsake more than 'bridesmaid'
    8. I drilled the holes in the wooden hangers - I forgot I would need something to hold them while I drilled, so had to go to my dad's to use his vice.
    9. I used a glue gun to glue around the wire once I put them in the holes (hot glue in the holes doesn't work) but I might use superglue for my remaining ones.
    10. I'm going to add some ribbon to them.

    As I say, I'll try to post some pictures when I get home tonight so you can see what a complete novice doing them turns out like.

    I'd like to say it's the craziest craft project I've take on, but I think the 250metres of bunting is probably worse...

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  • H
    Beginner May 2014
    hyzenflay ·
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    This is one of the child hangers I made, still more to do to it, but pleased so far.

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  • Trish2014
    Beginner June 2014
    Trish2014 ·
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    Thanks DCM and DW - I was really pleased with them and just have to get around to finishing them off now! Hyzenflay - yours looks really professional, and I love the pink wire.

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  • DrBuffles
    Beginner August 2014
    DrBuffles ·
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    Hazenfly yours looks incredibly professional! I'm considering attempting this again now!

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  • H
    Beginner May 2014
    hyzenflay ·
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    Aww thanks, I am pretty pleased with them, I think having the thicker 2mm wire makes a difference, and a bit of practice and research does help a lot.

    The other ones on this thread are lovely too.

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  • D
    Beginner July 2014
    dizliz90 ·
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    Wow, some lovely wire hangers in here! How did you attach the wire to the hanger? I'm considering making my own as well as I need a few and don't want to have to buy them! Also, where did you get your wire from and what kind is it? Thanks!

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  • Vintage_Belle
    Beginner August 2014
    Vintage_Belle ·
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    These are all really great, I'm thinking of attempting to make a wire worded hanger for myself but as a little worried as my new surname is so long (11 letters!!) It might look a bit cramped so i'll have to have a play around and see if it works.

    I have however made these for my 3 bridesmaids, they were super easy to make and fit well with my vintage theme, this was my first attempt so I've gone back and tightened some of the lace and swapped the brooch for a flower

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  • ClaireD*
    Beginner May 2014
    ClaireD* ·
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    Ok, I've seen the wire / personalised hangers for sale before, and thought no way would I buy any, as what is the point for one morning? I'm of the same opinion regarding the personalised dressing gowns.

    HOWEVER, kudos to anyone who has made their own wire ones. Wow!

    And I love these above (including the nipple tassle!). I could totally do this! I wouldn't have a hope in hell of doing the wire ones, but this is great. Plus I do have some wooden Ikea hangers I wouldn't mind de-facing.

    Ok, so this convinced me. And then I thought about it some more, and now I'm wondering if they'll ever be seen? They'll only be in the wardrobe in the spare bedroom...... I don't have anywhere 'public' to hang up the dresses. So is this just a waste of time for me considering the rubbish design of my house - not having a beam or a bannister railing or something to hang them on?

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  • 2
    Dedicated February 2016
    2016bride88 ·
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    I've not attempted a wire one but I bought one for me from eBay for £15, so compromised and made the bridesmaids myself Smiley smile

    here was my attempt at personalised hangers Smiley smile

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  • M
    Beginner March 2015
    MrsF2Bee ·
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    I'll be making these,
    I've brought my coathangers already just need to get the wire when I've been paid and actually have some cash.

    I've read a few tutorials around so feeling a wee bit confident but now thinking it may be hard.

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