I am a teacher in a small primary school and we are very much like one big family. I have invited 8 close friends from work who i socialise outside of school hours for the whole day but am in a pickle about what to do for the evening. I get on very well with everyone and have worked closely with nearly all the TAS in my time there... i was going to put a invite up in the staff room and do an open invite for them (with no partners) but then I realised that other staff members (who only work a few hours a day and not with me) could sign up and i am not really sure that i want them to come.... i feel bad giving out invites to nearly every one bar 3 or 4 people. Two of the ladies I would have only worked with for a month as they are my new TAs with my new class.
What would people recommend? Would it be best to give out single invites and ask them to be descrete as some are not invited... or should i invite all and hope that they are polite enough to decline?! I would if i knew i wasn't that close to the person getting married.