Hello all
Bit of advice needed please......
My sister is just not interested about me and my wedding she has never asked how im getting on or anything relating to the wedding, she is completly ignoring the fact im getting married my mum doesnt think she is going to come to the wedding...obviously this will crush me and i dont want to be worrying about that on the day.....my opinion is she will come, not speak to me then go home at like 6.30 pm just to say that she went...just to make a point.
She is very selfish, and does act as though the world owes her.....maybe i just have too many expectations of her and im too sensitive but i dont think its too much to ask for her to just ask one little question every now and then.
she is on facebook, and never comments on any status updates, yet she is all over a cousin of ours that has a child saying love you etc
I really dont know what to do.......i just know one way or the other she will upset me on the day everyone says its just jealousy but i just dont know how to handle this i really dont want to leave it till the wedding day to find out what she is going to do.....
whenever i try and bring it up with her, she always makes out im the bad guy and i feel awful after that.
i dont understand why she is like this, she is with her partner has 2 children, her own house.....cant see what she has to be jealous about
Sorry rant over x