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Beginner January 2015

Worst job youve ever had!

murphy88, 14 of January of 2014 at 15:24 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 55

What is the worst job you have ever had? (I am bored!)

Mine was working at amazon at Christmas a few years ago!
I have never been so drained in my entier life! I worked 10pm-6am had stupidly strict targets and worked about 13miles in one shift!

If anyone watched the programme on BBC its all true!

55 replies

Latest activity by Holey, 16 of January of 2014 at 12:41
  • M
    Beginner May 2014
    Muppet ·
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    I was a PA once and it really was like the Devil wears Prada. I hated that job so much.

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  • ATB
    Beginner August 2014
    ATB ·
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    I saw that programme - horrendous!!

    My current one is bad, my previous one was very bad! I've not had the best luck with careers unfortunely.

    I used to work in a shop and a supermarket as a student - both of which are regarded as rubbish jobs, but I loved them! I then had what was a very saught after and supposedly glamous job and it was hell on earth!

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  • ATB
    Beginner August 2014
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    Haha going by my experiences - that girl had it easy!

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  • AmnesiaCustard
    Beginner June 2011
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    A charity job where I job shared with another woman. She was off sick (ha!) for 6 months and I worked stupid hours to keep up and as soon as she came back she bullied me horribly. I left.

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  • Little Pixie
    Beginner September 2011
    Little Pixie ·
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    A post office shop. Doing the opening shift. I had to be there at 5.30am to set bits up. My boss was a tight fisted miserable twunt. It was boring as there were not alot of customers and weirdly boiling hot.

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  • amihohu
    Beginner September 2013
    amihohu ·
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    I did a lot of temp jobs over uni summer hols, one of the most dull was in a dvd packing factory... ergh... they weren't even good dvds either, they were bargain bucket kareoke dvds that I later saw for sale in Woolies for 59p...

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  • venart
    Beginner June 2013
    venart ·
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    I worked for an online and telephone dating site for a few months on quality control when I was in university. I had to read profiles and listen to mail box profiles and either accept or deny them based on whether they contained any illegal activity. I.e. obvious solicitation, looking for underage, is underage, etc. Also, certain areas of the site had varying degrees of what was appropriate, but for the gay male and 'intimate encounters' sections they had to give us training on common sexual terms they were allowed to use and ones they weren't allowed to use. For example, any talk of 'water sports' was strictly off the table, but they could talk about their massive cocks as much as they wanted. I think the worst part of the job was that it taught me what and 'angel kiss' was. ugh.

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  • kharv
    Beginner March 2012
    kharv ·
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    A call centre in the debt collections dept for a well known store card company (about 12 years ago).

    I was politely asked to leave as I refused to hard sell high interest consolidation loans to low income customers.

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  • ForTheLoveOfMrsBrown
    Beginner January 2012
    ForTheLoveOfMrsBrown ·
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    At a nursery, responsible for shining the leaves of plants before they went off for sale. I lasted one morning.

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  • kharv
    Beginner March 2012
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    I take it this is something I shouldn't google at work?

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  • venart
    Beginner June 2013
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    It's not the absolute worst thing ever, but it's really grim and I could've gone without ever knowing what it was. Look it up it you want, but if anyone's looking over your shoulder you might get some odd looks?

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  • OB
    Beginner January 2011
    OB ·
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    In a charity shop (a big one called new life that's all seconds from river island/monsoon etc, no full on 2nd hand).

    Lows include being clawed by crazy women to the point of bleeding when trying to bring out a new rail, clearing out the changing rooms where scumbags would swop their old filthy underwear for the stuff in the shop and leave us to gather up their crusty knickers, and trying to explain to a woman that the pair of shoes she was trying to buy didn't have a price on because some skank had swopped their shoes and walked out in the new pair. She still wanted the shoes. We didn't charge her.

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  • *Funky*
    Beginner January 2001
    *Funky* ·
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    I left school at 16 and have only ever had career jobs since.

    Although my first chosen career as a chef often meant working 7 days a week and 70+ hours was obviously plays havoc on your social life. I dont know how I did it but some days I never bothered going to bed after a night out pitch up for my breakfast shift still drunk.

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  • ATB
    Beginner August 2014
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    Erm I just googled on my phone....... I really could have done without knowning too!

    Haha like Bonnie: I forgot I once did one shift in Burger King! After I'd stood for 6 hours feeding burgers into a machine, they offered to give me a burger to eat on my break. Erm no thanks!

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  • Kriek
    Beginner December 2012
    Kriek ·
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    I once worked as an envelope stuffer for the Freshers Week mailing at my university. It was mind numbingly boring ten hour shifts and my hands were torn to shreds with paper cuts by the end of it.

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  • Rod
    Rod ·
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    Recruitment consultant.

    It wasnt the job so much, it was the boss. And the company.

    I came home every day in tears. Was screamed at numerous times, told I was sh1t at my job, eventually I got fired because out of 2 placements I'd made, one didnt turn up for her first day and we later found out she hadnt actually left her old job and the other one dropped out within 2 weeks of getting the job offer.

    I had to make a certain number of calls per day, write down what was said and fax to head office the next morning. I had to go out on visits, cold calls etc but if calls came into the office and someone else took the call, they got the job - basically you had to be in the office but out of the office ALL the time.

    I hated it. It makes me feel panicky now!

    It wasnt my first sales role. But recruitment isnt like any sales I've ever done!

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  • Pompey
    Beginner June 2012
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    This. I fvkcing hated it. He used to email me to collect his printing because I was closer to the printer.

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  • ~Curley~
    Beginner August 2014
    ~Curley~ ·
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    In a nursery. I thought because I loved children I would love it.....massive fail. The children were monsters, the staff were bitchy and the parents were demanding, abusive and plain rude!

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  • *Nursey*
    Beginner May 2012
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    My worst job had to be working as a carer in a nursing home while I was doing my training.

    I have lots of stories about colonostomy bags + dementia, projectile poo and other exciting topics.

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  • ~Peanut~
    Beginner December 2012
    ~Peanut~ ·
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    I worked as a temp for 2 weeks doing data entry for an insurance company. Mind numbingly boring job, mind numbingly dull office, and I was referred to as Temp Girl. Longest 2 weeks ever.

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  • ~Peanut~
    Beginner December 2012
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    P.s. that sounds like an amazing job Venart!

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  • Pompey
    Beginner June 2012
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    I looked on my phone. The internet policy wouldve set alarms of if I'd google on the PC!!

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  • venart
    Beginner June 2013
    venart ·
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    I'm happy to have shared the misery of knowing ?

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  • M
    Beginner January 2015
    murphy88 ·
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    Just googled it.. nOt cool!

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  • M
    Beginner January 2015
    murphy88 ·
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    Just googled it.. nOt cool!

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  • F&GBride
    Beginner May 2014
    F&GBride ·
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    Working in Wetherspoons the summer I'd turned 18. Being made to carry roasting hot plates out with nothing to protect my hands from them - no matter how often I asked, and being yelled at by a very unpleasant manager who of course wouldn't touch the plate to see for himself. I've enjoyed working on other bars as a student but the staff weren't a nice bunch in this one.

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  • pandorasbox
    Beginner August 2012
    pandorasbox ·
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    Ewwww why did I urban dictionary that? Yikes.

    I have quite enjoyed all my jobs. I worked for free all the hours in the day from 11-17 at a stable, when I suddenly realised I could actually get a paid job, and gave up the horsey lifestyle. There were awful parts of al jobs, but generally I just had a laugh and got on with things. Sales assistant at WH Smith, behind a bar at a quiet local con club, tills and stocking at Spar, and now teaching.

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  • flowersinherhair
    Beginner April 2014
    flowersinherhair ·
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    The worst job I had was aged 13-15 taking over the paper round. The paper was a free local one so it had to be delivered to all 175 houses around my street and I got paid a pittance for it. The worst when we had leaflets and or samples - I had to spend most of the evening the night before putting each leaflet in each paper by hand.

    Then I got a Saturday job at Clarks from 15-18 and my boss was a *** and bullied me for no apparent reason.

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  • Arquard
    Beginner May 2011
    Arquard ·
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    Three of my jobs have been particularly awful...

    I worked in a Turkish restaurant when I was 16. Got paid £2.50/hour and couldn't keep the tips. The manager was sleazy as hell and had the scariest friends (he was Sicilian, his friends wore very sharp suits). Horrid, exhausting job.

    I worked at Alton Towers for a summer when I was 18 - not the park though. I worked in a bar in the hotel. That was hell on earth. There was a sign on the back of the staff room door that said "Smile! You're about to go on stage". Made me want to scowl and yell "f**k OFF" at everyone. We were told how to do our hair and make-up, and wore THE most revolting polyester Hawaiian style shirts. Yuk. We never got to take our breaks either, and often didn't finish 'til gone midnight by which time the staff bus back to the town centre had already left.

    After that, I worked at the Vodafone call center for 3 months. It was inbound customer service, so basically the complaints lane. The number of death threats I got from abusive customers was unreal. I had people screaming down the phone at me, swearing and threatening all sorts. I will never think badly of call centre staff again, now that I know first hand how soul-destroying the work is.

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  • Twiga
    Beginner April 2012
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    I had a saturday job in a butchers when I was 16... didn't eat meat for 5 years afterwards! And as for angel kiss.... eeeeuugggh.

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  • Cat In A Teacup
    Beginner August 2015
    Cat In A Teacup ·
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    I've been pretty lucky with my jobs, I seem to be easily pleased!

    I did work for a pub once (aged 17) who refused to let me have the night off after I found out that my best friend had passed away suddenly. Other than that it was probably working for the university campus convenience store, nothing awful, just very boring and repetitive.

    I will not be joining the rest of you in googling angel kiss!

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  • *Pugsley*
    Beginner March 2014
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    The one I'm in now?!

    At times the atmosphere stinks & you can cut the tension with a knife. I've got a boss who couldn't manage people to save their life.

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