Bit of background -
I went to college and was very good friends with a guy (B). When we left college we saw eachother approx once per year until he got married 3 years ago. We were invited to the entire day (along with OH) and were pretty suprised by this considering OH had never met them and I had only seen them a few times in previous years. We went, it was OK but we didnt know anyone apart from another girl I went to college with (but didnt know all that well) that was there with her husband. After their wedding, we only saw both couples once for a very informal dinner shortly after their wedding but didnt speak since apart from the odd comment on eachothers FB status etc in 3 years.
When it came to inviting people for our wedding, we decided to invite both couples to our evening. At £150 per head for the day guests, we felt we couldnt invite one couple without the other as they literally wouldnt know anyone and we couldnt justify £600 to invite people that we feel we barely know anymore.
When we went to hand out the invitations, we went to my B's house. They didnt open the invite infront of us but waited until we had left. We got talking about weddings and his wife started saying how she found it an insult to get invited to weddings as evening guests only and could never be bothered to go if she had such an invite. We felt very awkward, didnt say anything and left shortly after.
We posted the invite to the other couple.
Within a week, both couples had sent back declines to my parents with just 'Sorry we cant make it, we are away that weekend. From B and V'. We hadnt heard of either couple until last night. No card was sent from them, no text message wishing us well or even a comment on any of the photos on facebook. Nothing at all.
Last night, I got a FB messge from B. It was sent to loads of people saying he is getting his son christened and asked if we would like to go. It got me thinking about our wedding day and I had a look back through his status'. He is a serial updater and I looked at our wedding weekend when he was supposed to be away. That weekend his status included checking in at the local Tesco store, going to Pizza Express and boredom sat on the sofa watching rubbish TV. No signs of going away for the weekend.
The B!tch in me wants to ignore his request to go to the christening as to be honest, I feel like I cant be bothered to make the effort for them but OH says we should rise above that and just go as if the wedding hadnt happened and not mention anything about it.