Hey Ladies,
I've just seen this on my lurking in BT and thought maybe we could do something similar. (thanks Maisey)
Although they are buying for their children, we could buy for each other, just something really silly.
If people are up for it, i would be willing to arrange it all.
Once everyone has said if they'd like to be involved, i put all the names in a hat and pick at random. Then i'd let each person know who they'd got and where to send the gift too before christmas.
The only downside i can think of is you'd have to share your address with me (i promise i won't stalk) and then be happy for me to share it with whoever is your secret santa.
So if people would lke a go then say below and also how much they'd be willing to spend (not forgetting P&P for the gift to be sent)
Ok Ladies so we have more then enough people to make this work.
So it's information time!
If you can all send me your Hitched name, your real name and the address you'd like your present sent too. Also if you'd like fill in the questionaire on page 4 so your secret santa gets more of an idea what you like then send that too.
As the hitched emails don't always work i will put my email address up for a while, once i think everyone has seen it i'll take it down. ***********@*******.**.**