I have a lump on my breast which has been there for over a year and has now got bigger. I attended my local breast clinic last last year and the doc had a wee feel and told me that i just had lumpy breasts and that it was hormonal and that i had nothing to worry about. I check my breasts on a regular basis as there is a history of breast cancer in my family and i have never had any other lumps on either breasts except this one which has got bigger. H2b has even commented on how much bigger it has got.
What should i do? If i go to my doc i wil get refered back to the same doc at the breast clinic and he will just hunt me and think im wasting his time as he has given me a diagnosis all be it without biopsy, scan, xray or anything else.
Do i go back and see him or leave it as maybe im worrying over nothing.?
Beth xx