When we 1st got engaged i think i kind of rushed into asking people to be my BM with all the excitement.
I asked OH's sister which is fine, she is lovely and was dead pleased we asked her. I also asked on of my friends, last year we were really close and would speak most days and meet up at the weekends but this year she has been rubbish!! She has just got a new boyfriend and i totally understand she wants to spend time with him but i have tried to arrange to see her a MILLION times and she always either has no money or is too tired or is seeing the boyfriend or she will say she will meet somewhere and then cancels last minute. I actually havnt seen her in person this year!!!
She always phones to apoligise for being rubbish and says we should arrange to meet up but i am getting to the point now where i cant be bothered to arrange anything because i know she will end up cancelling.
She is proving to be quite unreliable and i dont want someone as my BM who i only see once in a blue moon!!
I cant really say 'you cant be my BM anymore' can i so,,,, if you were me what would you do?