So as not to derail the other thread about the weird hole thing - I just wanted to comment on what you'd said about eczema and the after effects of it.
[quote user="yorkshirekiwi"]
... However I have some serious hang ups about rough and bumpy textures. I think it's a sort of PTSD thing from when i was a kid and my eczema was really severe (like multiple hospitalisations severe) and i would get picked on for the way i looked, mostly called 'witch' or 'granny' cos my whole body was scaly and wrinkly (oh poor me, do you have your violins out yet?)
Anyway things that in my mind spark recollections of that really upset me and make me feel panicky, occasionally to the point where i will cry or be sick. It can the thinks like when old paint in multiple thick layers starts to peel off a surface, really bad rust that flakes off and really gnarly tree bark with deep crevasses running through it. Also I really really hate to see where people have hammered coins into limbs of trees.
You've really made me reflect on how I feel about it - mine was bad as a kid, the constant open sores, bleeding, cracking. I was covered head to toe and had to sleep wrapped in special bandages which used to stick to me and have to be soaked off in the bath in the morning. It didn't spread to my face until I was a teenager ... kids are horrendous with stuff like that. They can be cruel. I was named the Cadburys Flake.
Reading your post made me feel really sad. It's bizarre - I'm now almost completely clear of it, apart from the odd little patch that shows up occasionally (for which i have 'magic' cream which makes it disappear within 24 hours, let me know if you want the name of it!) but my bro's has come back with a vengeance - whenever I see him, his poor cracked fingers make me so upset. Strangely - I feel a bit responsible for it. His went away when we were kids and I hated him for it. Then mine went away as I reached adult hood and his came back. Completely irrational to feel guilt about that!
I don't have any particular hang ups of throw backs from it except that when I hear people talk about eczema, it makes me so incredibly sad - like I well up a bit.
Eczema and asthma (and all the related allergies) are the reason we're using Mrs Wrongs eggs to get preggers with - why would we use mine and put the kid through it when we have a choice!?
I don't know what the point of this post is!