- Weddings
- Wedding forums

United Kingdom · From December 2012
- Beginner
Happily married 🎉
18 January, 2014
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Throwing a baby shower for one of my good friend next month looking for game ideas, got a few so far and seen one called 'The Candy Bar Game' - it's American, but lists candy/chocolate bars and have...
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I uploaded a photo in the discussion of ATB
1696 days ago
On the gettting to know you thread there are mentions of lots of pets belonging to a few newish posters so I thought it was time we had another pet flash thread!! She's well known but for the newbies (and because I'm an obsessed mummy) Here's the...

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of sarahrah81
1696 days ago
Hi I just wanted to generally rant that the weather looks very wet for our wedding day at the weekend yep I know it's the one thing none of us control and yep I know the most important thing is we will be getting married which I am so excited about...

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of Chippet
1696 days ago
I'm looking for some shoe advise, I'm terrible with fashion and generally a jeans and converse kinda girl. However when I go out for dinner, I do like to wear dresses. My trouble comes choosing a shoe, if it's a proper night out I'll go in heels, but...
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