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Cookie Galore

United Kingdom · From August 2009
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Happily married 🎉
27 November, 2009
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Has anyone gone through the above? What is the difference to just selling it, if you will be in negative equity?

How much do you spend on shopping per week. I did a shop online last night and it came to £65. Thats for two of us and will last 2 weeks dinner wise, but will need to get fresh stuff during that time....
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I uploaded a photo in the discussion of Panjita
1670 days ago
What have you bought recently? I've just received a beautiful pair of block heel shoes (not to everyone's taste I understand ? ). I have also punched a shocking pink lipstick and cannot wait to get on holiday so i can wear it! Shoes cost me fifteen...

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of Mrs Bass
1670 days ago
H and I and a few friends recently got into a conversation about women who ask "how do I look" then get upset if they get an honest answer! Ive leant not to ask but have told my H that It would be nice if we are going out, and ive spent a while...
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