United Kingdom · From April 2005
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...but I always find it interesting. First 10 songs on your iPod/iTunes shuffle? Mine are: I Got Love - The King Blues Sex On Fire - Kings of Leon Hold Up A Light - Take That Everytime - Britney...

*whispers* It's Eric's birthday today and she's got a wee bit of a hurty back..... You know what to do!

I went to get my sandwich and yogurt out the fridge at lunch and the sandwich had gone but not the yogurt. WWYD?
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I uploaded a photo in the discussion of Eric
1696 days ago
I uploaded a photo in the discussion of HeidiHole
1696 days ago
I uploaded a photo in the discussion of Old Nick Esq.
1696 days ago
One of those 'pick a five' things on Facebook, Which famous people have you been told you look like.... Off you go then.
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