United Kingdom · From January 2005
- Dedicated
- 407 points
Happily married 🎉
28 September, 2024
It's my best friend's husband's 30th this weekend and I'm stuck for what to get. Our families are fairly close so something nice although he's quite a jokey person. Anything up tp £30 I guess. Any...

? I have a few clips of various things, the children mostly. I'd like to cut out the rubbish and fiddle with the sound. For pictures I use Flickr which is great and really user friendly. Is there a...


We're in desperate need of a new bathroom. We've bought the tiles and seen what bathroom suite we like. H would rip everything out first so it just be a shell. One guy has quoted us £1600 saying it...

I'm off to the filming of Sky 1's 'A league of their own' tonight. Tickets through applause store so first come first served. I hope they take pity on my huge baby bump and let us in, there are 8 of...

All manner of gubbins for sale here https://www.flickr.com/photos/34277782@N03/sets/72157624528857952/ All info and prices in photo description. Am open to offers. Please email *************@***.***...

I very occasionally get fuzziness affecting my vision, it kind of creeps in from the outside of both eyes narrowing my field of vision. I went for an eye test and was missing some of my periphal (sp?)...

Following on from my other thread I'm thinking of getting a canvas printed for my aunt & uncle for christmas Which image do you think would be best for them to hang up somewhere, it'll be fairly...

I did a photography course earlier this year and the photograpger recommended https://www.canvasdezign.co.uk/ for getting images onto canvas. I thought I'd get one for H's christmas from D and I love...

I went shopping this morning and got some more Christmas bargains. Asda has some kids stocking fillers for £1. I got Tinkerbell and Little Miss hair accessory sets, a Disney Cars canvas, Pirates of...

Various bits for sale here https://www.flickr.com/photos/34277782@N03/sets/72157624528857952/with/4942131790/ Womens Clothes (Maternity + Non) Boys Clothing 6-9, 9-12, 6-12 months (NEXT, GAP,...

D chucked pepsi all over my laptop yesterday. Luckily it wasn't much and I got it quickly with a teatowel and baby wipes but now the space bar is sticking so it doesn't spring back like the other keys...

New series starts on living 15 Sep - yay!

MIL tried to call my mobile and it went straight to vmail which I thought strange because I had full signal. just tried to ring FIL and he's going straight to vmail also. Anyone else on 02 having...

Lovefilm sent me this about 2 months ago and I still haven't watched it! Is it worth watching or shall I just post it back for my next one? ?

1 2 2 are £10 more expensive so not much in it ?

....and Mark 'McSteamy' Sloane is in it. In his boxers. ?

I've recently got a Dyson Animal Handheld after doubling up £45 worth of Tesco vouchers and paying the rest. I've used it to suck up under D's highchair after a meal and the waste bin is looking a bit...

Our friends are having a housewarming on Sat but we can't make it. I feel really bad. They live about 40 mins away and always make an effort to come to our events and bought lovely things when D was...

Yes or No answer only required but I saw a thread this morning that I suspect may have been deleted by the powers that be. Anyone follow?

I'm making a sausage casserole and so far have bunged sausages, chopped toms, mushrooms and peppers into a casserole dish. What herbs/spices am I missing and anything else that should be in there?...

Thought I'd start a for sale thread over here as not all the stuff I have for sale is BT related. All manner of gubbins for sale ***Max Factor foundation added*** Women's clothes inc maternity bits /...

Sometimes I wish I had a text operated laptop so I could hitch and do things like washing up/ironing at the same time. Anyone else or do I need to get a life?

It can be anything you like but has to include you ? if you're shy it doesn;t have to be ALL of you Here's me on Monday

My right pupil is bigger than my left

Oops too late ?

Phish Food ?

You know those things that suck up the bad smells and condensation ?

Yes I mentioned the C word! What do you hate most about Christmas Shopping? The cost The time shopping takes Other Christmas shoppers Trying to think of what to buy people Parking The...