United Kingdom · From April 2010
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Happily married 🎉
7 July, 2012
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Its just occurred to me, that even with a young baby, I never really have slumming it days..by this i mean days where I don't have a shower first thing, don't do my hair, dont put make up on, mooch...

It is with HUGE pleasure i announce the arrival of baby girl Khloe who arrived at 645am today after 24hrs of labour!! Well done JLS and Mr JLS!! Muchos congratulations!!!!

My week is looking fairly bland. I have a colleagues' afternoon tea leaving do tomorrow straight from work. After that the week is going to dra-a-a-ag. Share your good times with me Otters.
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I uploaded a photo in the discussion of kharv
1663 days ago
So, as usual, we're off to my mam's place in Spain with the parents. This is Velez Blanco. My mam's house is one of the ones near the foot of the castle. It's not finished in this photo. It's a town house so no pool or anything but god do I love it....

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of Flowmojo
1663 days ago
Flash us something from your day today..whether it be Comic Relief themed or not!!! Whats summing up your Friday? Harvo, you shoulda got a pic of the dog-hanging-head-out-of-car situ for this!!

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of Carpe Diem
1663 days ago
So I am on the hunt for my tiara or hairpiece. I would really like a side one or similar, not that traditional princess type! I will be wearing my hair half up half down and it's very long (can nearly sit on it!) and dark brown if that helps! I have...
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