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United Kingdom · From June 2011
- Beginner
Happily married 🎉
20 October, 2012
Discussions I've Participated In
286Hi i wasn't a regular hitcher, but this site provided much advice, guidance and humour over the last 7 months therefore i thought i would give a little flash! Has been almost a month now and i still...

We went and got the ring (and a proper adventure-slash-palaver it was too) and finally are officially engaged! I've been so impatient, wanting to tell everyone (and in fact probably have told...

Ok, a bit of background.... if you look back over my previous posts, I originally wanted a really 'WOW' dress and had never seen one I liked that I thought was amazing enough... literally tried on...

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I uploaded a photo in the discussion of Luna_12
1696 days ago
Here we go! On Thursday we were running around like headless chickens. We had picked up the cake the day before luckily so that was 1 less thing to do. H2b's family arrived from down south and we headed to the rehearsal at the church but we were...

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of Luna_12
1696 days ago
eep!!! Im back just briefly to let you all know that we had an amazing day and had not many problems ? here are a few guest shots. I will do a proper report asap xxx me & husband me & adult bridesmaids first dance xxxx

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of jimjams
1696 days ago
Desperately need some dress inspiration, flashes much appreciated... Please can you include the designer name and style? Get flashing girls... Thank you!! :-D xxx
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