- Weddings
- Wedding forums
United Kingdom · From April 2012
- Beginner
Happily married 🎉
6 September, 2013
Discussions I've Participated In
602So i saw articles on this all over the internet this morning, and put it to the test in the office and on a whatsapp group and the results are strange! You will be in a camp that either sees the...

As you all know I'm new to this wedding ring lark, so I thought I'd ask the more experienced people a question! My ER and WR are both 9ct white gold, and sit together nice and flush on my finger. I...

Trying to learn to drive at the moment. Actually putting off wedding venue viewings a bit to get it sorted. I currently have a long commute to work because I changed jobs hoping to drive there and...
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I uploaded a photo in the discussion of ATB
1663 days ago
On the gettting to know you thread there are mentions of lots of pets belonging to a few newish posters so I thought it was time we had another pet flash thread!! She's well known but for the newbies (and because I'm an obsessed mummy) Here's the...
I uploaded a photo in the discussion of
1663 days ago
Ok what's the last photo you took on your phone and what's the story behind it?
I uploaded a photo in the discussion of Tonka
1663 days ago
This is my puddytat, Archie sent from my sister! He decided he wanted her to be awake!
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