United Kingdom · From July 2009
Discussions I've Participated In
Amazing that Hitched is even slower than before. It took me 10 mins to get on the site and then another 5 to log in. Sometimes wonder if its worth the bother when other sites are faster; I wonder if...
Does anyone else get wound up by things that actually, you shouldn't? (The eating thread has made me think of this, although that habit is not innocuous). H has recently started 'holding' his side. It...

I am looking something I could plant which would flower around January time if there is anything out there? I had a recent miscarraige and the baby would have be due 21st January. Thanks
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I joined in the discussion of Boxof BaldKittens
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I joined in the discussion of Headless Lois
5680 days ago
I joined in the discussion of strawberry*shortcake
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