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United Kingdom · From November 2010
- Beginner
Happily married 🎉
22 June, 2012
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123Wedding dress for sale http://www.preloved.co.uk/adverts/show/106318945/sophia-tolli-tatiana-y2941.html

Good luck to one of several Mrs Evans to be on the fb hitched group - I've enjoyed reading your posts and getting to know you more on there and although your post count on hitched may be fairly low...

Oh Nikki_D We nearly missed you! Can't have that now can we! I've loved hearing about all your plans on fb and went to find your thread and saw you weren't on the brides list! I hope that things are...
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I uploaded a photo in the discussion of steph2325
1697 days ago
After months of deliberation we finally got them!! A self indulgent flash! Very board trying to do uni work
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4584 days agoWedding dress for sale http://www.preloved.co.uk/adverts/show/106318945/sophia-tolli-tatiana-y2941.html
I joined in the discussion of PurpleStar
4649 days agoRecent Videos
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