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summer solstice

United Kingdom · From May 2008
- Beginner
Happily married 🎉
21 June, 2008
Discussions I've Participated In
I very occasionally get fuzziness affecting my vision, it kind of creeps in from the outside of both eyes narrowing my field of vision. I went for an eye test and was missing some of my periphal (sp?)...

Just being nosey - as the title says really. Or O levels... I had an A, 2 B's, 6 and 1/2 C's. I am very proud of the half I shall have you all know ?

I got married in August 2004 and did plan on Hitched before migrating over to BT ?
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I joined in the discussion of HavanaBaby
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I joined in the discussion of HatTrick
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I joined in the discussion of Madwife Nightingale
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