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United Kingdom · From August 2009
- Beginner
Happily married 🎉
10 November, 2012
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183Hi to all those who read my original post and all new readers Just posting to update and thank everyone. My Husband and I got married yesterday!!!!!! We made it!!! He was dressed in a kilt and so were...

Well gorgeous lady, the time has come!!!!! It's been lovely following all of your plans on the fb group and seeing all your fantastic flashes ? You are going to be an absolutely beautiful bride and I...
Dont know if you already have one it not (if you have pleaser point me in the right direction!) but just wanted to say a massive good luck, hope you have a fantastic day and the sun shines brightly...
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I uploaded a photo in the discussion of jadewills13
1697 days ago
hi i am stuck on what to get my G2B as a gift on our wedding day his very picky and has everything can anyone help with ideas of what to get i would be grateful for anyhelp hope all wedding plans going well with every one

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of VeeDubLuv
1697 days ago
Good afternoon all. I need your help AGAIN! I am after a side tiara the one blow (its a pdf link!) that doesn’t cost the earth. Can any of you HIBS help me. Also the broach, I am after a vintage inspired on but must be min 6cm in diameter! THANK YOU...

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of VeeDubLuv
1697 days ago
So what do you think? I LOVE THEM and I cant wait to wear them!! Only 3 months to go ????
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