United Kingdom · From January 2010
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I uploaded a photo in the discussion of sarahb3426
1697 days ago
Help! I thought I had our centre pieces sussed, I was thinking along the lines of tall slim vases with Orchids in them (pink/purple) on circular mirror plates with little tea lights around them with small crystals etc, have found some pictures and...

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of debmci
1697 days ago
At long last you might add! We are now 3 weeks and 1 day married, but better late than never!! Well I Finished work on the Thursday before, and we all went out for a wee work hen party! Had a lovely wee night out! The next day was my birthday as...

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of debmci
1697 days ago
Well on friday night at mums and dads, I literally had got my last bite of dinner in me when all of a sudden I was grabbed and dragged around the house to the good living room where my old clothes wer laid out on the floor! My sister (CBM) began...

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of Liverbird
1697 days ago
I should probably say I'm not much a shoe person (waits to get shot down in flames, lol) probably cos my balance is awful (I'm deaf, which doesn't help) and I'm terrible at walking in most heels. However I would like a smallish heel for the wedding...

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of Naboo
1697 days ago
As it says really, I need some inspiration, my theme is vintage/shabby chic if thats any help to anyone so any ideas welcome (not sure on colour theme yet probably either sagey green or light dusky pink!?!) Please get flashing :-)

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of debmci
1697 days ago
The men at my wedding are all in Kilts except for our Dads. We had decided in plain black suits for them, with long jackets. But my OH has now decided on these striped trousers. He did ask me about changing them last night and in my error, i thought...

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of debmci
1697 days ago
Sat Am - Well I had to take my sister at 10 for her final fitting before we started. At half 10 my other BM arrived and the 3 of us and my brothers GF went on a wee road trip. which had us arriving at a girl my friend goes to get her nails done! ...

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of
1697 days ago
I have been very very naughty recently and totally lost my motivation.... just kept thinking, ah yeah, its over a year away. I hadnt been to slimming world for 2 weeks went away and literally ate everything I wanted (including curry, chocolate and...

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of mrsmiller2b
1697 days ago
Hi Ladies, Things finally seem to be going right, yay!! ?" /> I got a call earlier in the week to say my WR was ready which means I can get my ER back, I've been without it for almost 6 weeks. Today I got THE CALL to say my wedding dress had...

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of BumbleBrat
1697 days ago
I'm sooooo excited, just sorted mine and have to tell someone as I want it a surprise for everyone else!! We're having this - Perfect!! The bridesmaids will be in the same sort of green. Share yours!

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of woo-woo
1697 days ago
So I'm torn between these shoes, my dress is knee length so they will be seen, my bouquet is purple and ivory so do I go for the ivory shoes or the purple one? I prefer the ivory I think but the purple ones are lower which appeals. Also I bought...

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of debmci
1697 days ago
I had my hair trial on friday!! We have decided on my style... These wee pearl pins will be in there 2!

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of emmamac73
1697 days ago
As per the title...I'm struggling to choose favours. So...from your experience what is the best you've received? I'm going round in cirlces, starting with simple chocs/sweets in colour co-ordinated in bags. Then thought about something more...

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of teeheeyoucrazyguys!
1697 days ago
http://www.yoox.com/item.asp?cod10=34151744&TP=14074 I was searching for shoey for her thread, and found this. all i can say is W.T.F??????????????????????????

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of grace85
1697 days ago
As some of you may remember my H2B is having a best man and a best woman. The men are wearing these suits..... with these waistcoats..... but i can't find anything i like for the best woman. She sent me this picture the other day and as much as i...

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of froggy29400
1697 days ago
That's it, they're ordered. H2B is freaking out as he's NEVER worn any jewellery and would have liked not to have one but ? he went for something a bit unconventional and he's happy that's what matters! Mine fits my engagement ring perfectly and...