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United Kingdom · From November 2003

  • Beginner

Happily married 🎉

31 July, 2004

7531days 15hours


So shall we start with cocktails...
Petal, 22 August, 2010 at 12:13

What are you all having favourite is Cosmopiltan but I am rather partial to a Bloody Mary on a Sunday...

Shnarfy1, sunday 22-Aug-10 25
Did you have penpals as a child?
Pittabre, 22 August, 2010 at 12:24

I used to write obssessively to random people who would do the same back. I am wondering whether being a pen pal as a child leads to internet forum usage?

Pittabre, sunday 22-Aug-10 8
Where to look for flower girl cardigans?
AllyD, 20 July, 2010 at 10:50

? I'm looking for an ivory flower girl's cardigan for my little girl for my friend's wedding, have tried Debenhams, Next and BHS but haven't seen any I like. Any ideas where else I could try? ?

debmci, tuesday 20-Jul-10 9
Advice needed please (Sens)
Minx Sauce, 29 July, 2009 at 10:44

There's a close group of us girls, about 10 of us, that have been best mates since primary school. We're now heading towards 34/35. One of the girls' Dad died last week and his funeral is tomorrow....

Peaches, wednesday 29-Jul-09 27
GP appointments - emergencies
jaz, 19 July, 2009 at 14:50

Thanks all

Purple Pixie, monday 20-Jul-09 7
Missus Jolly
Dog people - Is this wrong?
Missus Jolly, 19 July, 2009 at 13:52

A colleague of mine has two Border Collies. She is utterly devoted to them. However, last week she said to me that whilst her and her husband are at work (they are out between 8 and 4) they are kept...

Hugo Brambles, sunday 19-Jul-09 9
Tell me about Turkey
HeidiHole, 26 April, 2009 at 19:19

Please. More specifically Marmaris/Icmeler, or any other nice places you'd recommend there. There are 6 of us going and it's a family holiday to celebrate my Brother's 40th birthday, so a bit of...

HeidiHole, monday 27-Apr-09 14
5 people you want to punch in the face
bettyb, 26 April, 2009 at 21:09

I have just done this application on facebook. My list consists of : 1. Timmy Mallet 2. Alan Shearer 3. Kerry Katona 4. Ray Quinn 5. The Chuckle brother (2 for 1 deal) So, who's on your hit list? ...

Pickled Eggs, monday 27-Apr-09 31
Hugo Brambles
Please help - what did you get your OH for their 30th??
Hugo Brambles, 24 April, 2009 at 15:40

Need some inspiration please for low cost pressies?! There is nothing particular he is into (well the TA) but no real hobbies other than that?

Hugo Brambles, friday 24-Apr-09 13
Evy evy
Has anyone used Travel Republic or Low Cost Beds?
Evy evy, 21 February, 2009 at 22:58

And if so, your opinions please? (Mr Evy is asking as he is on a mission to find the best deal for this years holiday!!) Thanks

Civil Ceremonies, tuesday 24-Feb-09 11
Purple Pixie
Has anybody ever been on a Eurocamps holiday?
Purple Pixie, 19 February, 2009 at 10:58

I've just been looking at their web-site and there seems some good deals on it. I was just wondering whether anybody has been to one of their camps and tell me what it was like? ?

vickster, thursday 19-Feb-09 7
Tips for getting cat to go outside!
AllyD, 17 February, 2009 at 15:26

Or are some cats just destined to be indoor cats? Our cat is around 8 months old and she refuses to go outside. If we open the back door at night to put rubbish out, she will sometimes run out and...

AllyD, tuesday 17-Feb-09 13
The City (The Hills spinoff)...
Minx Sauce, 11 February, 2009 at 17:42

I've just watched the first episode of The City (The Hills spin off following Whitney's move to New York). I think I may be addicted already. ?

allthatglitters, thursday 12-Feb-09 6
experience in restaurant last night!
AllyD, 2 February, 2009 at 19:21

Went out last night with my H, brother and sister in law. We decided last minute that we'd go out for a curry so booked a table at place near their house (which happened to be one of those curry...

Lady Falafel, tuesday 3-Feb-09 16
Hotel help please
feathers, 2 February, 2009 at 18:54

Hello Sorry to be asking for help as I know I don't give as much as I should to the boards. I could really do with some recommendations for a hotel though. I have no budget and my requirements are...

feathers, monday 2-Feb-09 8
Glasgow hitchers - restaurant recs
AllyD, 31 December, 2008 at 17:39

It's H's 30th birthday in a few weeks and i'm trying to think of somewhere we can go for a nice family meal. We tend to go to Frankie and Bennys and the likes so not very clued up on nice places!...

AllyD, thursday 1-Jan-09 11
Pop Up Pundit
The Dinner Thread - what's your Eve of Christmas Eve Dinner?
Pop Up Pundit, 23 December, 2008 at 17:37

Lack of inspiration...I am thinking maybe chickpea curry...or just wine and chocklit (traditional Christmas diet has kicked in early). <random aside> I haven't hitched this much in ages - I had...

(Mrs) Magic of Chris, wednesday 24-Dec-08 18
Where can I get a nice hat, scarf glove set?
josie, 14 December, 2008 at 16:02

Im looking for a hat, glove and scarf set (can be seperates but to match) for my SIL.

Mrs T, sunday 14-Dec-08 6
QQ - rough price for fitting gas hob?
AllyD, 8 December, 2008 at 18:57

I'm in the middle of putting a job on to get someone to remove our old gas hob and fit a new one. The website asks for a starting price though and I have no idea of how much I can expect...

AllyD, monday 8-Dec-08 274
Another wii fit question
raspberryjam, 2 December, 2008 at 18:35

And possibly a really stupid one! Has anyone ordered a wii fit from amazon france or germany is it compatible and do all the instructions on the CDs come in English. Trying to convince my H to order...

raspberryjam, tuesday 2-Dec-08 4
I Pod help!
AllyD, 12 November, 2008 at 21:11

I'm thinking about getting my husband an I Pod Touch for his 30th birthday in January but not sure I can really afford it. He wants something he can download films onto. He already has a portable DVD...

Yvaine, friday 14-Nov-08 2 282
work situation - would you say something?
AllyD, 21 October, 2008 at 18:12

I've found out today that my boss was talking about me in the canteen at lunchtime the other day. It wasn't about anything serious but I was in a mood that morning and she was sitting with her boss...

AllyD, tuesday 21-Oct-08 7
Dr Doo.Little
Anyone else find really frustrating?
Dr Doo.Little, 19 October, 2008 at 15:32

I'm trying to catch up with X-Factor that I've missed while I'm away and it keeps freezing up, skipping to the next chapter when it hasn't finished yet or going to freeze frame shots rather than...

Mrs Cee, sunday 19-Oct-08 4
X Factor songs revealed!
HeidiHole, 18 October, 2008 at 18:46

<crosses arms above head in saddo fashion> It's Michael Jackson night tonight, and the songs they're singing are: Scott Bruton She's Out Of my Life Alexandra Burke I'll Be There Austin Drage...

deliciousdevilwoman, sunday 19-Oct-08 213
Lady Falafel
Anyone used an acupuncturist?
Lady Falafel, 13 October, 2008 at 19:17

What can I expect? I've booked my first session for Thursday. It doesn't hurt too much does it? And it's ok that it's done in her home, isn't it?

janeyh, monday 13-Oct-08 8
What's for dinner?
HeidiHole, 12 October, 2008 at 15:57

I was going to make a risotto, but Mr Hole just came downstairs and said "Did you say kebabs or risotto?" then burst out laughing, so I guess we'll have dutty kebabs later ?

Melilot, sunday 12-Oct-08 21
X Factor Live Show - Songs revealed!
HeidiHole, 11 October, 2008 at 19:09

Sooooooooo excited about tonight. The songs they're singing are: Bad Lashes It Must've Been Love Scott Bruton Yeh Yeh Alexandra Burke I Wanna Dance With Somebody Austin Drage Every Breath You Take...

sherry, monday 13-Oct-08 248

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